Learn How To Choose The Right Stair Glide Company

There are numerous different brands of stair glides that we are able to choose from. In order to decide the one that we wish to utilize we need to do research on all of the crucial companies. The three most average manufacturers are Acorn, Stannah, and Bruno. All of these have unique glides that they sell and customer service that they pass to each of their clients.


Acorn began as a family business where they were able to purchase used glides, freshen them up, and resell them. This permitted individuals to purchase used models when they did not have the ability to afford the new ones. However, over the years they chose to spread things out and learned how they were able to create their own stair glides. Through this they created the best-known Superglide - which is still sold nowadays.


This manufacturer was started by Beverly and Michael Bruno over twenty years before this. They are recognized for producing units that have all of the needed safety features - which makes them good and easy to utilize. They also have excellent customer service and are believed to be one of the superior manufacturers in America.


This manufacturer is regarded to be the oldest makers. Stannah stair glides have been around since 1975 - but it is said that the history of the manufacturer might be traced as far back as 1860. They are one of the most unusual companies because they extend not simply glides - but also trolley lifts, micro lifts, and commercial lifts.