Mobility Scooter Carriers

One problem for people that need the use of mobility scooters is being able to take them with them when they are travelling in a vehicle. this problem has now been address by the use of the"Hitch Hiker" Mobility scooter carrier which fits onto a vehicles tow bar and allowes a powered mobility scooter to be carried on the outside of the vehicle.

These are easily and quickly removable and when not in use the carrier can be removed and stored indoors in a garage or spare room or space. When fitted to a vehicle the platform can be moved to a horizontal position to allow loading of a scooter or folded up vertacally against the vehicle when empty.

Strong welded construction ensures a high carrying capacity and nylon powder coating of the carrier ensures long lasting durable finish enhancing the visual aspect of the carrier when fitted to the vehicle.

By using a carrier the diabled user can take his scooter with him when he travels, giving him the benifit of more freedom and allowing him to go places he could never visit before. Whether its visiting friends, relatives, loved ones or simply exploring new places, places he/she would never otherwise be able to go to before because they were dependant on using a mobility scooter.

These carriers have long been available in the usa, but have never been easily available in the uk. Anyone wanting to purchase a scooter carrier had to go to the effort and expence of importing one from the usa, not an easy or inexpensive solution for most users. As in addition to the actual shipping costs would be the addittional expense of import duty , tax, and delivery to his address in the uk.

This availability problem has now been address by a British company ( these carriers her in the North of England.