Maybe It's Time For A Stair Chair Lift

There comes a time in some people's lives when the simplest of tasks becomes incredibly difficult, tasks that most of us take for granted.  Washing your hair, getting up from a chair, even climbing up the stairs: eventually gravity takes it's toll, and sometimes gravity wins!  For those living in a home with stairs, the feeling can be almost suffocating:  imagine not being able to walk upstairs because it's too difficult, or being afraid to walk downstairs for fear of falling.  If that sounds like someone you know, maybe it's time to consider a stair chair lift.

A stair chair lift is a home improvement device that is basically a chair hooked up to a track that is then bolted to a staircase.  The chair then moves up and down the stairway at the user's will - while most people prefer to simply sit in the chair lift, it can also be used as a transportation device, transporting cargo up and down stairs.  Bringing laundry and luggage up/downstairs are also common uses for a stair lift.

When asked, most buyers respond the number one reason to buy a stair chair lift is peace of mind.  Stair lifts provide a safe, easy way for your loved ones to go from one floor to the next with very little risk of injury.  However, what's not commonly talked about is the psychological impact of installing a chair lift: for someone who is used to being able to walk up and downstairs on their own, difficulty climbing stairs is demoralizing.  Adding a stair lift will instantaneously improve their spirits, and you may be surprised at what the extra energy can do for someone.

Unfortunately, stair lifts are not cheap.  Basic installations will generally run $3,000 - $4,000.  If you got a spiral staircase that extends 4 floors, well then you should probably expect to pay more than that.  However, when looking at the alternatives stair lifts are a bargain.  You could restrict access to only downstairs, add an elevator, or worst yet: move.  When put in context, a stair lift becomes a much better option even after factoring in cost.  Unfortunately, medicare will not help cover the costs of a stair lift.

Buying a stair lift is a big decision for any family, both in terms of cost and importance.  However, a stair lift is an investment, one that will enable loved ones to live at home.  If family is important to you, maybe it's time to take a closer look at stair chair lifts.