Primary School Installs Movemanskg Wheelchair Lift

Ottery St. Mary Primary School in Devon takes the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) very seriously. It has modified its premises to improve wheelchair access by installing two movemanSKG platform lifts , despite not having any disabled children currently attending.

Head Teacher Doug Rylance explains; “Although there are no wheelchair users enrolled at Ottery St Mary Primary School at the moment, this could change at any time. We offer the same high standards of education to all students. movemanSKG’s lifts mean children with mobility problems will be able to move freely and independently around the building.”

Opened in 1967 and extended in 1975, Ottery St Mary Primary School accepts children aged between five and eleven. A selection of extra-curricular activities are on offer at lunchtimes and after-school including, drama, orchestra, and sports.

In the school’s assembly hall is a new movemanSKG Prima platform lift for wheelchair access . Travelling approximately 450mm, it allows less able students to overcome a short flight of stairs and exit the hall. The lift is key-operated to prevent misuse.

A two-stop Prestige platform lift located near the school’s reception area means wheelchair users can reach classrooms on the first floor. It features a fire-rated door at the lower landing, which resists intense heat for up to one hour, and through entry configuration for swift, simple passage.

Both wheelchair lifts are market leading models. Prima is a compact model that does not require a pit. It can be relocated to a different site if required. Prestige lifts 400kg up to 13,000mm. It comes in a variety of colours and finishes, enabling its seamless integration into any environment.