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Great to meet you Sue. I love your attitude! I think Lifegeta is excellent. Everyone should do it! Mark at Hertfordshire Multiple Sclerosis Therapy... (more)
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MacGregor- Mr. George- LCSW
Montville, NJ
I feel humbled and honoured to have met you at the Mind,Body Spirit Exhibition at Plinston Halls in Letchworth today. You are an inspiration and are... (more)
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New Life Assembly Of God
Columbus, TX
Have been meaning to check your website for ages. Love its directness and all the photos. Given me ideas for my own. Good luck with the new course... (more)
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MacGregor- Mr. George- LCSW
Montville, NJ
I feel humbled and honoured to have met you at the Mind,Body Spirit Exhibition at Plinston Halls in Letchworth today. You are an inspiration and are... (more)
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PCH Medical Center
Long Beach, CA
Really good professional website. You are a very inspiring person. I do hope we can be good friends I am doing a counselling course shortly. I hope... (more)
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Here I am going to tell you the four maineffective speakingtips,which can make you a competent speaker. All these skills can be acquired over time with practice.

Public speaking or giving presentation is not really that difficult or nerve racking. If you know the essentialeffective speakingtips, you can deliver an impressive presentation or give powerful speeches in full confidence, just like you are sharing a conversation with your friends.

You have come across  good speakers who captivated you with his persuasive and sparkling speaking skills. You find that their every spoken words are precise and powerful. And the messages of their talk are easy to understand and right on the dot. Well, these speakers know these four keyeffective speakingtips.

Remember you can be just like those impressive speakers. It is a matter of knowing the feweffective speakingtips and lots of practice. To let you know a little secret here; public speaking is a learned skill. You can acquire the art of public speaking just like the next person. Dedicate your time and practice, you can be like those great speakers or probably even better than them.

Let me share with you my four essentialeffective speakingtips.

1.Be Prepared.
A good speech is done well before you speak before an audience. Do a deep research on the subject which you are going to talk about. Gather as many points as possible. Then select out just a few important main ideas  and draft out the outline of your speech. Personally I don't encourage you to write out the whole speech like a piece of essay. Remember, you are not going to read, but present a speech. Use the main points to guide and prompt you as you deliver your speech or presentation.

2.Know Who Is Your Audience.
Among all theeffective speakingtips, knowing your audience is definitely one very important aspects. Find out their profiles , for instance the gender, age group, their education level, their command of language, etc. With all these in hand, then you know how to tailored your speech materials and deliver to them more effectively.

3.Practice Makes Perfect.
Practice your speech as many time as possible. Read it aloud alone, as if you are actually delivering your speech before an audience. Check the coherence of your speech and for any missing points. Plus, to make sure that the duration of the your speech meets the allocated time. Practice your speech together with your visual aids.

4.Overcome Public Speaking Phobia.
Be it known that professional speakers do have public speaking phobia. But if you are well prepared and followed all the aboveeffective speakingtips, you can pull it off with confidence and poise. Pay special attention to the opening of your speech or presentation. If you start off without any hiccup, it will boost your confidence; and you will continue your speech smoothly all the way till the end.

Learn up these four importanteffective speakingtips and you can deliver  persuasive speeches and impressive presentations which will enthrall your audience, just like those great public speakers whom you admired. Happy speaking!

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