You can stop smoking gradually or by overnight by keeping yourself in meaningful activities or some hobbies in which you are interested. If you are mentally well built with WILL you can be sure of Stopping Smoking. Here you have 5 sure tips to enable you to stop smoking.
Be busy always
Instead of having in your hand cigarette for smoking all the time, don't you feel that throwing away the cigarettes from your pocket can be paying good things for you? Be sure, you can indulge in useful activities like drawing and painting, watering indoor plants, playing chess, feeding the pets, and cleaning your house. These things can divert your mind towards creative thoughts, and you can block your mind from thinking for smoking.
Think of the better things
There are both advantages and disadvantages concerned with smoking. However, the advantages of smoke-free life are more in number than the disadvantages of smoke-linked life. You must have a comparison chart of good and bad things associated with Smoking and Quit Smoking as well. The comparison chart will make you realize that you will be free from health risks of smoking.
Keep off what triggers you to smoke
The best way to stop smoking is to cut off the things that are triggering you to smoke. You may perhaps be interested in various kinds of drinks – coffee, soda, coke, and alcoholic beverages. You may find it difficult to forget alcoholic drinks. But it is possible for you to quit smoking if you sacrifice these things. And then you will win the game of throwing away cigarettes and quitting smoking.
Change your opinion about smoking
Mind is the devil's workshop to keep you ever smoking or make a strong decision to stop smoking. Even when you choose to stop puffing cigarettes, devilish thoughts may cross there to dilute your decision. Here is your significant role not to withdraw from stop smoking.
Encourage yourself with incentive
It will be nice that you praise yourself than feel happy of being praised by others. You can reward yourself with a small incentive. For instance, you can buy something from the departmental store as a reward for every two hours of passing without smoking. That way, you can feel proud of buying useful things instead of buying cigarette.
This is the 5 tips formula helping you to quit smoking, everything for your welfare.