My husband wants to divorce me. Is there any helpful advice to save the marriage and stop the divorce? Yes. There are. You can reverse the divorce as quickly as possible as long as you are willing to open your mind to learn and make some corrective changes in your relationship with your husband.
If you want to achieve the highest level of success in your marriage, you must be committed to pay the price in all aspects needing your attention. First you must be ready to terminate all your internal enemies. Until you terminate all your internal enemies, they will send an invitation to external enemies to team up with them to see the end of your marriage. What you fail to terminate concentrates on terminating your marriage. It is up to you to take actions that will save the marriage and stop the divorce.
Your husband definitely wants to divorce you because of your several internal enemies. One of them is anger. You may be a prisoner of anger without knowing it. Ecclesiastes 7:9 says, “Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.” You have spent years building a happy and successful marriage but every time you become angry, you try to undo the labor of several years. If you are scattering what you have built, you are in a satanic prison. Anger has limited the progress of many women and perpetually pegged them as beggar in their marriages.
If your husband wants to divorce you, you must search around you for more internal enemies. One of them is laziness. Many women are so lazy that making an effort in any endeavour is like confronting a giant. Their laziness turns mole hills into mountains. Your husband may want a divorce if you have suddenly become a spend thrift and a high maintenance woman.
Most times we think he is now attracted to another woman that is why he wants a divorce. Have you taken time to consider that you have stopped being the woman he fell in love with some years ago? Take a good look at your pictures some years ago and then walk towards the mirror to see if you are the same person.
Sometimes, what you consider a giant, which has strongly resisted your full strength may suddenly collapse at the slightest and faintest push the second time around. This is why you must continue to make effort until you are able to save the marriage and stop the divorce.
Whatever is plaguing your marriage must be destroyed today. It is up to you to investigate patiently and find out the enemy. Once found, you must destroy them immediately.
Do you shout at your husband when he is talking to you? Do you abuse him over every little issue? You must stop. If you cannot abuse your boss or your chairman when he is talking to you, you have no right to abuse your husband. You must commit to support your marriage with the right amount of work, dedication, perseverance and diligence; otherwise any other relationship you start again may likely fail.
As you pray to God for mercies, favour and breakthrough in your marriage, you must also pray for the revelation and wisdom to know that favour and mercy will not replace the need for hard work, diligence, kindness and a genuine love for your husband. As you review what caused the friction in your marriage and prepare to win back your husband’s love, now is the time to understand the primary purpose of marriage and love.
If you have tried so many things and your husband wants a divorce , then you must as a matter of urgency, visit this helpful site . Here you will find practical information that will help you to save your marriage and stop your divorce. Meanwhile, do not forget to destroy every internal enemies fighting to damage your marriage!