How To Have More ‘Me' Time
We'd all like a little moretime for ourselves, right? Itrecharges our batteriesandrestores our sanity.
But if it seems we can barely fit in ourcurrentpriorities, then how on earth can we justify moreselftime?
In fact, we can make space in our lives for ourselves – simply by applying these three strategies.
1. Focus
Before you can make the most of the focus strategy, you have to face a harsh fact:You'll never get everything done. There'll always be projects on your unfinished list, housework on your chores chart, reading on your pile.
The answer, then, is tosharpen your focusto themost important priorities.
For most people, accomplishing theirtop three priorities each daywill move them muchcloserto their goals, and muchfaster, that completing a dozen or more of the lower priority tasks.
It can be tempting to busy yourself with your lower priorities – they're often easier or more routine. But the rewards of making yourself dowhat matters most- is more time for you.
2. Re-negotiate
If you're in the habit of doing lots of things for others, this might be a good time to re-evaluate, andre-negotiate.
What could thekidsbe doing for themselves? Are they old enough to make their own beds, put clothes away, or load/unload the dishwasher? Can you link this with pocket money?
What about yourpartner?Could they iron their own clothes, help kids with homework, or take on some of the weekend chauffeuring? Can you negotiate something to get yourself more time?
What aboutneighbourhood kidsorlocal services? Could you pay someone to help with errands, gardening or other home or business tasks?
It might initiallytakea little time to re-negotiate these tasks effectively. But very soon you'llgainmore time for yourself.
3. Ritualize
This strategy is a simple, but often overlooked, way to getregular self timeinto your life.
The trick is toritualizeyour me time.
For instance, you might:
• Take a relaxing bath every night after the kids go to bed
• Go for a walk with a friend on weekday mornings
• Enrol in an art class on Tuesday nights.
The key to this strategy is to take your me time at thesame time. This approach makes it much easier both for you toget into a habit, and foryour family to get used to, than if you vary your me time each day.
No matter howbusyyou are, you can havemore timeto renew and refresh yourself. Just remember to apply these strategies:
1.Focuson completing themost important taskseach day
2.Re-negotiatewith other family members oroutsourcetasks where you can
3.Ritualizeyour me time so it becomes ahabitfor you and your family.
© 2010 Happiness Strategies Pty Ltd.
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