Have you ever had the experience where you were focused on manifesting abundance in all areas of your life, and you just were filled with this INCREDIBLE feeling?
It was a feeling that told you that everything was going to work out. It was a feeling that told you that ALL your dreams were possible. With this feeling, you knew at the deepest core of your being that whatever you desired was right around the corner. You wake up everyday excited wondering with a childlike wonder of how your desires are going to manifest into reality, knowing that it is bound to happen any day.
What's more, when you're feeling like this, people places and circumstances conspire together to show you that your dreams of manifesting abundance are along the way. You run into people who help bring you a step closer to your goal, circumstances occur that signify that your desires are manifesting into reality, and you wind up being at the right place at the right time.
Everything that once seemed impossible in your life now all seems possible.
You're on cloud nine.
Then it happens. You wake up one morning, and the feeling is gone.
You start to freak out, because what once seemed totally possible for you now seems more and more impossible for you.
You struggle feverishly to get this feeling back. You try to think it into existence. You try to focus and concentrate. You try to conjure up the feeling.
However, nothing works. In fact, you just wind up feeling worse and worse. What's more, your dream of manifesting abundance now seems like a fairy tale.
You try even harder. You want this damn feeling back, and want the current horrible feeling to go away, because it's messing up your chances of manifesting abundance in your life.
Yet, as your resist your current feeling, it just continues to grow and torment you. You even start to get exhausted from this entire struggle.
What in the world happened? Why did this feeling go away?
Well first off, when you were feeling the way you did when you felt the possession of your desires, you were connected to your TRUE self. Your true self is connected to the Divine, and the Divine expresses communicates with your true self through the desires He wants to manifest through you. Your desire is like gas to a car. It gets things moving.
Your ego is the false self and has NO connection to the Divine. When you woke up the next day without the feeling you felt, your ego started to freak out, because since it has no connection to the Divine, it never really has hold of the feeling of desire, even though it would try to make you believe that it does.
Because of this, it tried to do what it knows best: think, rationalize, analyze and force desire into existence.
That struggle produced stress and bad feelings which you then tried to resist and fight against, but, if you know the saying, "Whatever you resist persists."
However, if you stopped to really "think", you would've realized that there was no need to struggle for the desire.
You can't struggle for something you already have. The true self is already a part of the Divine, and it feels no need to struggle with conjuring up a feeling. The true self is already connected to the Source, so it knows that it is already a part of the manifestation process. So, it doesn't need to freak out about what will or will not manifest.
Whenever you get addicted to a feeling, it's your ego that is desperately afraid that if the feeling disappeared, that it will never be able to get it back, because the ego can't connect to the Divine.
The Divine expresses Himself through the true self, NOT the ego.
So, never get attached to a feeling, even the feeling of desire, no matter how good it feels, because when you do, you're identifying with your ego once more.
The ego clings to something it doesn't really have, though it tries to convince you otherwise. The true self doesn't need to cling because it knows it's already there.
So next time, when you wake up in the morning, or if something happens, and that feeling of desire is gone. Relax, don't freak out, just breathe and know that your true self is always there. Whatever bad feelings come up, don't resist them, because when you do, that's ego as well.
When you do this, sooner or later, the mind (ego) quiets, and the true self is able to rise up once more along with the wonderful feeling of desire that was placed in it by the Divine to accomplish what He pleases.
To learn more about ALL the secrets of reality creation, read below.