Teenage life and some problems related to it.
"The thing which seems to be very easy is not as easy it seems.
People acknowledge teenage life as the most reassuring, rejoiceful and full of rock and roll rides. However, this myth is not germane owing to the fact of its complications, impediments, and such conundrums that sometimes leads to a comprehensive metamorphosis. It is certainly huddled up with loads of unignorable .thoughts and infatuations.
Laughter, love, anxiety, transformation, companionship….all damn feeling that are existed in this world are conceded and evaluated in this segment of life. There are certain tribulations that are associated with it…. One such problem is infatuation or attraction, which is very common in teenagers. It will not be good to put up this as a problem however; it has always ruined teenager's life. INFATUATION becomes such a conundrum of life owing to the fact that nobody is escaped from the boundation of love. They strive to impress the opposite sex that leads to cross the extent.
TEXT MESSAGING, CHATTING, TALKING ON PHONE, FREQUENT MEETINGS WITHOUT PERMISSIONS. All this happens which makes the student to get into the list of spoil brats. Due to this no students concentrates on their studies and career orientation.
The second problem is profoundly germane in teenagers's life i.e. BECOMING unique in their own way. They always try to imitate others for becoming cool and prominent… they endeavor out smoking and drinking just to flaunt. Nevertheless, it is appalling for their health.
This ALL lead to the death of self-realm or self-being as teenagers tries to live on others terms. Lastly, in this age, teenagers became gadgets freaks and lethargic. Eventually it makes them become prone to portliness and stoutness. Last year a survey was conducted which stated that total 25,000 teenagers in Delhi are prone to obesity just because of sluggishness and languid lifestyles!
These are the certain basic problems, which make this beautiful phase of life as exigent one…
One should enjoy this with zeal and zest