I recently heard from a woman who was trying to become pregnant. And she wanted to know if she was more likely to have a boy or a girl baby. She explained that girls run in her family while boys run in her husband's family. She told me that she ate breakfast foods and recently had blood work which showed she had high testosterone. (She had read that both of these things make boys more likely.) Since she had some variables which indicated that she might be more likely to get pregnant with a girl and others which pointed to a boy, she wanted an outside opinion as to which might be more likely.
Actually, I didn't think any of the factors that she described were going to come into play. Rather, I pointed to the 3 variables which I believe almost always matter the most in terms of your baby's gender. In my opinion, whether you have a boy or a girl baby really comes down to only a few things which I will discuss in the following article.
The Odds Of Having A Boy Or A Girl When Only Mother Nature Is Involved:If you're not going to a clinic and you are just letting nature take it's course, then your odds are pretty much even. And if you think about it, this makes a lot of sense. This sort of equality is important for the human race. Statistically, about 51% of babies that are born today are boys and 49% are girls. But, more girls than boys survive so this fact evens out the odds even more. And, since men (and fathers) have roughly equal amounts of X (girl producing) and Y (boy making) sperm chromosomes, then this makes it even more likely that your chances of either gender are roughly equal.
Making It More Likely That You'll Have A Girl Or A Boy Baby (Depending On Which You Want:)In my strong opinion, there are things that you can do to change nature's odds in terms of your baby's gender. The whole key is making the trip to the egg easier for the sperm chromosomes that will produce the baby sex or gender that you want and harder for those you don't want.
For example, if you want a girl baby, then obviously, you want very much to discourage or weed out the boy or Y sperm. And, these Y sperm do have their vulnerabilities. They live for a longer period of time and are weaker. Specifically, time, distance, and acidity are all enemies of theirs. So, to discourage them, you would want to conceive early in your fertility cycle, make yourself more acidic, and use shallow penetration when you have sex (and are trying to conceive.)
Conversely, if you want a boy baby, then you need to diminish these vulnerabilities. So, you would want to have conception sex late in your cycle. You would want to make yourself alkaline. And you would want to use deep penetration when you are attempting to conceive.
A Way To Determine If You're More Likely To Have A Boy Or A Girl Child:After I gave the reader all of the above information, she did understand it. But, she still asked me: "but how do I know which odds are better right now? I mean, is there any way to tell if I'm more likely to get a son or a daughter if I got pregnant today?" That's debatable in some circles. But, you could certainly test your PH (using PH testing strips) and see if your reading is alkaline or acidic. To recap, it should be acidic for a girl baby and alkaline for a boy.
However, just seeing the reading that you were hoping for doesn't assure your preferred gender. You'll also want to get your timing down and use the appropriate sexual positions. And, if you didn't get the reading you hoped for or your reading isn't as optimal as it should be, you can always change your diet or try a douching regimen to change this to something that gives you the odds that you want. Additionally, you really should continue to test both PH and ovulation right up until the day that you attempt to conceive because both can change pretty quickly and you want to make sure to get your odds as high as they can possibly be.
I've put together a few websites that take a lot of the guess work out of choosing your baby's gender. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for determining ovulation times, douche recipes and food PH lists, information on when to conceive, and tips plus support.
If you want a boy baby, check out /
If you want a girl baby, check out /