New Life Assembly Of God
Columbus, TX
Have been meaning to check your website for ages. Love its directness and all the photos. Given me ideas for my own. Good luck with the new course... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Paula
Fraser Counselling Center
Hinesville, GA
YOU`RE FABULOUS :-)always an inspiration.You will acheive everything you set out to do in life,always see the positives and have a way of helping... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Moya
PCH Medical Center
Long Beach, CA
Really good professional website. You are a very inspiring person. I do hope we can be good friends I am doing a counselling course shortly. I hope... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Dom
Bowerman Carrie LCSW
Denver, CO
knowing what you went through you have made me very proud the way you have turned your life around and achieved all the goals that you've aimed for... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Kim
Walton Francis X Dr
Columbia, SC
its an excellent site. Dont forget to add us to your links.....and dont forget the cake!!!! Baz xx ... (more)
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by Sue
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Why is it that you want to lose that thigh fat? Because thigh fat is often considered to be unsightly, right?

Tremendous anguish and frustration can be caused by this not-so-pretty thigh fat. The fact is that there are millions of people who are overweight and many more on the way to being overweight. Unfortunately, in today's ocular society, people tend to judge others by their appearance and though this is a cruel fact of life, it is the cause for so many people mistakenly believing that they must be much thinner.

You see, all the TV and visual merchandising tend to hard-wire our brains into believing this. Because the media determines who is attractive and who isn't, their influence is, unfortunately, our obsession and with this visual attraction social world, the desire to lose weight grows more and more everyday; thus, your God given natural thighs appear to you to be much more distorted than they really are. Your desire to lose that thigh fat is pounded into your brain hourly by every media known to man.

Have no fear though for the shrinking of your thighs can be accomplished. Since the thigh fat is attached to one of the body's largest working muscles, and since your legs can be worked hard and often, losing thigh fat may be accomplished in a relatively short time. The very best way for you to start your thigh fat losing program is to start walking frequently and briskly.

This will cause the oxygen in your body to flow more freely to the areas that need it, like the large leg muscles. This causes your legs to prepare for further, more vigorous work. Your metabolism is also stimulated which is mandatory for losing that thigh fat.
Thigh Fat Loss Takes Work

You should walk vigorously for 20 to 30 minutes every day for about two weeks to get started. You'll notice that your stamina and an increased energy level are achieved by this one exercise. Now that you've built up some stamina and energy, let's move it up a step. Find some type of stairs on your walking rought. Any kind will be fine. You just need a place to do step-ups.

If you happen to have some stairs in your own home, by all means, use those. What you should do is simply alternate each leg and do step-ups for about ten minutes and then walk. When you return from walking, do ten more minutes. Just do them. This is causing the large thigh muscles to use energy and the more energy they use, the more they turn that fat into fuel and burn it. Don't stop. Keep working. Those thighs are beginning to shrink.

Be sure that you drink LOTS of water while working out. This causes the body to dump the waste products of metabolism into the body water and it is carried out more quickly. You should not be too extremely taxed at this time and your thighs should be working harder.

The harder the work load, the more you'll feel like you can push a little further after a while. You will begin to feel as if you can produce more results. Don't try to do too much, too quickly or you'll burn yourself out and quit. Take your time getting in shape and those thigh inches will begin diminish.

Now, after you've done all this for about two or three weeks, you should be feeling pretty active and not feel too tired before or after your exercise time. It would be a great idea now to join a local health club and begin utilizing the many various specialty leg and upper body machines into your workout routine.

Don't worry about watching your weight. Stay away from the scales. You're focused only on those thighs right now. If you want to, measure them only once per week but don't do it every day. If you do, you'll get discouraged so just do it once a week.

Once you get started, and if you stick with it, you're going to discover that you find yourself wanting to do other physical things like maybe swimming, playing racquet ball or basketball. How about tennis? The more active you are, the more active you want to be. This is your body experiencing joy and you should listen to it. Keep up the program and soon you'll have those beautiful thighs that you want.

The really important thing to remember is that you're going to have to diet some while you're exercising. As a matter of fact, depending on your overall weight, you'll probably have to diet extensively in order to keep your body size in perspective.

Your thigh size will come down as the rest of your body size reduces too so, the truth of the matter is, you need to control what you eat and how much you eat as well as exercise.

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