Methodist Counselling & Consultation Services
Charlotte, NC
My own health story is as grim and sad as yours - feel 4U! However, you are just amazing, and the site is v v uplifting in these dark days... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by James
New Life Assembly Of God
Columbus, TX
Have been meaning to check your website for ages. Love its directness and all the photos. Given me ideas for my own. Good luck with the new course... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Paula
Voc Works
Cumberland, RI
Just wanted to see how it worked! please leave me your comments... Thank you Sue... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Paul
Walton Francis X Dr
Columbia, SC
its an excellent site. Dont forget to add us to your links.....and dont forget the cake!!!! Baz xx ... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Sue
Bowerman Carrie LCSW
Denver, CO
knowing what you went through you have made me very proud the way you have turned your life around and achieved all the goals that you've aimed for... (more)
RatedCounselling Services
by Kim
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Washington Drug Rehab centers have witnessed both increases and decreases in drug and alcohol abuse over last decade. However, for every bit of good news recorded about drug or alcohol rehab, Washington appears to present a challenge to match it.

According to statistics provided by the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute at the University of Washington, 12% of all women of child-bearing age are currently seeking or in desperate need of treatment for chemical dependency. In...

When most people say, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas," they are usually talking about drunken debauchery and adventures that comedic films are usually spawned from. However, the unspoken rule is that the money you gamble in Vegas also stays in Vegas...unless you know what you're doing.

When that happens you get to take a little of Vegas’ magic with you as you return home the conquering hero. The feeling you get when you leave the casino's a winner, nothing...

If there is a way to put work off until the last moment, I know about it. I have been using various procrastination techniques for many years and some of the best are the most obvious, but there are many different ways to put something off and you can’t really go wrong with whatever you choose. Here are three of the techniques that I have used to successfully procrastinate my way through life.

  1. Video Games. Yes, this may seem like a cop out, but I don’t care what...

Several human beings, especially alcohol addicts come on the information superhighway looking for ways to stop drinking alcohol. They read a lot of  articles such as this one and you begin to marvel why they are still not able to quit. The trouble is that they are not strong-minded enough. I want you to be informed that quiting does not come easy. Sure, you will go through various avenues of ending alcohol addiction. In the end, it will still depend on your determination to carry...

Alcoholism Signs and Symptoms


Alcoholism signs and symptoms is not something you usually think about before you take your first drink. Perhaps your mates ask you if you'd like a drink, or you wish to be cool like your ma and pa are and have an alcoholic drink, or perhaps it is just all those beer and liquor commercials that eventually have programmed you to take that first drink of your life. Consuming alcoholic drinks typically starts out naively enough, a curious...

Prescription drug abuse is on the rise and many more people are finding themselves with an addiction to those prescripton drugs.  Think about how you feel when you're in pain - not just a little bit of pain - a lot of pain.  What is the first thing you think about?  If it's me, I think about relieving that pain.  In fact, that's one of the first and foremost thoughts in my mind - what can I do to get rid of this horrible pain?

So you go to a doctor and...

A drug addiction center is more commonly known as a rehabilitation clinic or a drug clinic.  These centers specialize in the treatment of drug addiction and help people with addictions cope with the mental and physical aspects of their disease.  They offer medical care as well as counseling to help addicts become clean and sober again.

There are many different types of drug addiction centers today.  All are based on essentially the same premise - to heal the...

Drugs are fast spreading its wings to engulf everyone under its effects. A large number of people are reportedly using drugs and facing its consequences. The devastating effects of drugs can invade the lives of lots of people, not just addicts. Parents who abuse drugs or alcohol tend to neglect their children leaving them to their own devices. The whole society, in which the drug addicts live, is affected.

Not only does the adults are under the spell of drugs, but the teenagers...

So why do people believe they should be easier to quit cigarettes and heroin? People often think quitting smoking is as easy as putting down a cigarette. If it were so simple, why so many people struggle to quit smoking every year? There is a fallacy that some simply do not have the willpower to quite. Willpower alone rarely breaks the nicotine addiction. Most people that quit smoking end up smoking again within six months. For most smokers it takes far more than willpower to quit. Here...

When you are on the road to leaning hypnosis, what you need to understand is that when you are trying to get a subconscious mind technique, what is out there is a whole host of technology and options. When you look at the literature online of how you are going to master this art, you will realise that there are plenty of methods you can learn and adopt the methods to get hypnotism in your life, and this editorial will talk about some of the ways you can actually do this within a few...

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