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What are the best urinary tract infection remedies out there? How can you save hundreds to thousands of dollars by treating yourself with U.T.I. home remedies?
The answer to these questions centers on a holistic cure! And a holistic cure is simply a 'whole' body treatment using foods, vitamins and herbs to treat the bacteria infection.
Treating a Urinary Tract Infection at Home
A urinary tract infection is a problem that has plagued man from the...
STANDARDISATION AND EVALUATION OF HERBAL DRUG FORMULATIONS 1Sunita Panchawat, 1Kamal Singh Rathore, 2Dr.S.S.Sisodia, 3Dr. R.K.Nema 1BN PG Girls College of Pharmacy, Udaipur-Raj.INDIA 313002 2BN PG College of Pharmacy, Udaipur 3Rishiraj College of Pharmacy, Udaipur Email:kamalsrathore@yahoo.com Mobile: +919887111211(Sunita P.); +919828325713(Kamal) Herbal Drug Standardization and Evaluation:- In recent years, there has been great demand...
The main cause of sunburn is overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, generally from the sun’s rays. Sometimes it may occur from other UV light such as tanning salons. It is associated with some microscopic change in the skin. Sunburn may occur to anyone who goes for fishing, swimming in the sunlight or visit a beach. Consumption of birth control pills, antibacterial agents used in soaps and shampoo, outdoor activities like swimming, skiing and hiking are the causes for...
You are part of the millions of men who are dealing with a male dysfunction (also called impotence or erectile dysfunction). You are also part of a growing population of men who are curing their impotence problem with simple and effective holistic health secrets. If you are avoiding E.D. pills (Viagra, Levitra, Cialis) because of worries about of side effects, you are not alone. Fact!Millions of men choose natural remedies to cure their erectile dysfunction each year....
This is really a two headed coin, while part of me wants to say not it does not, the other part is screaming out yet it does. Ok let me qualify that sentence. From my years of being a hypnotist, I would have to say yes. I have seen too much over the years to deny its power. However from a different point of view I would say no, there is not a lot of prove to say that it does work. Let me put it this way, the old saying “A picture paints a thousands words” it is very true and...
Food poisoning comes from eating foods that contain germs like bad bacteria or toxins, which are poisonous substances. Bacteria are all around us, so mild cases of food poisoning are common. You may have had mild food poisoning — with diarrhea and an upset stomach — but your mom or dad just called it a stomach bug or stomach virus.
Keeping food safe is the first step to better health. Food borne illnesses will occur when food safety measures are not taken. Hygiene is...
Acne is recognized as the number one skin problem in the world with teenagers as its more common victims. Acne is not limited to teenagers, but it can occur to people of all ages. Infants or babies are not any exceptions to that.
Causes of Baby Acne:
Baby acne, also known as infantile acne, is not uncommon. Following are the causes of infantile acne.
ַExcessively oily skin
ַBad nutrition
ַChange of hormones
Manapol® - Why Should I Use It?
"Upon entry to the cells, mannans can activate the macrophages, enhance cytokine release, stimulate macrophage, T- and B-cell interactions and stimulate bone arrow activity."1
What is Manapol®?
Manapol® Powder is a stabilized form of Aloe vera L.(barbadensis miller) gel that ontains a similar ratio of acetylated mannans (mostly in the form of mannose), calcium malate, pectins unique to Aloe...
The Chakra and Essential Oil Index
This is a general index of the chakras. The essential oils suggested can be used in aromatherapy, massage, baths and other therapies. 1 - Root chakra The Root chakra is about being physically present. Feelings of stability, safety and stamina are held here. This is the foundation chakra and is the first chakra of the system. When the root chakra is open we feel present in the here and now and feel that our physical space is...
Shoulder impingement syndrome is a condition that will affect the rotator cuff. This condition causes shoulder pain that may travel down the arm. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that providing stability for movement by aligning the shoulder in its socket. This is what allows you to raise, lower and turn your arm in many different directions, offering you a variety of ranges and motion.
Shoulder impingement syndrome will most likely happen to people who do...
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