OH!!! You the corruption where have you led my nation? I know not what nuisance have you played with my nation? I cannot explain dark thundering clouds you have brought over my nation? I shiver when I see loss you have caused to my nation’s talent? I wonder what poison you have become for the purity of my nation? I find no words to what dark and deep dungeon you have dragged my nation to? I weep, I cry. Oh! You the snake of corruption, you have bitten my nation‘s back, you have become cancer of my nation’s backbone because you have made my nation crippled in the field of talent, crippled in the field of ethical standard, crippled in the field of education, crippled in the field of development, in what field you have not crippled my nation and how long will you cripple my nation? Now oh! You the dirty ghost of corruption stop it, breath your last.
Corruption is the demon of darkness, laughing and conspiring in a whistling sound, laughing and conspiring for bringing damage and destruction, flaring up flame and fire, dust and doom, chaos and catastrophe on the abode of nation in the destiny of devastation, castle of cruelty, dreams of desperation, river of rebellion, stream of arrogance, history of hatred and dungeon of despondency.
Today our this heaven like world has become the prostitution of the corrupted people. Under the control of such men our nation had jumped forward with a sudden leap that men had started understanding themselves. These corrupted people are diffusing in the society, in the religion, in the nation, in the sect, in the world. Thus I become a mouth to bellow that corruption has eaten into values of society.
Corruption is that cancer which in its paws destroys the lives of people. It has led man astray. Corruption led man from brightness to darkness, from strenuous life to ignoble ease, from comforts and cognizance to chaos and confusion, from trust to fear, from courage to element of horror, from sky-touching building to earth heights, from love to hate, from peace to war, from heaven to hell and above all from life to death the end of existence. As Shakespeare says about death:
“An undiscovered city from who burns no one returns”.
Corruption has led us into such a dark room where we grope, stumble, fumble and shuffle but find no ray of light which can lead us out of this trap. What not corruption has given us except sense of proportion. It has given us every every thing a wild virtue, a good sin, a pure pollution, a venerable vice, a rusty coin, and every supreme of all evils.
The corrupted men cause insult and assault on humanity. Corrupted men are no more tolerated, no more breakable and no more endurable. Therefore, I appeal to all those money suckers, to all those who do injustice, to all those who play this game of illegal money, to all spread corruption, to stop playing this game of illegal money, to stop doing people injustice with poverty stricken for money, to stop the corruption because corruption has created an air of depression.
Before this cancer’s birth men used to live a peaceful life. To corrupt a society was a doubt and miserable thing for them but now in this modern epic of 21st century corruption has changed the thinking ways of men. It gave men the lust of comforts. The air of arrogance got filled in their minds.
I will wind up the words ofGeorge Thomson:
“The world is a limitless beauty,
Yet no man sees it
It is a temple of majesty,
Yet no man regards it
And it is the region of love and peace
But man seems to be busy
So, in the last, I beseech in court of God to disentangle meek creature from the marshy strokes of fidgeted corruption which has crumbled the creeds of our con-science.
- M.BILAL Atif