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This article was to be titled 'Winning the battle against Dust Mites', however, the house dust mite is such a resilient opponent that outright victory will never be an option. So, what can we do to keep these fearless little creatures to a minimum?

Dust mites are too tiny to see with the naked eye, you could fit at least 5000 on the head of a pin! Their small size does not mean their impact is insignificant as they are a major cause of skin conditions and asthma. Reducing the number of dust mites in the home is an important step to making your life easier should you suffer from any allergies.

Dust mites feed off of human and animal dead skin cells which are in abundance around our homes, regardless of whether you have a pet or not. They can be found on any surface on which there is dust but have a particular liking for warm and cosy area such as beds, carpets and most types of upholstery. Keeping these areas as clean as possible will help prevent the growth of dust mites to a minimum.

Your first step in the battle against the mite is to clean every surface in the house.  Methodically work your way throughout the house tackling each room one at a time. An organised plan of attack means no area will be accidently left unclean.

Begin your efforts in the bedroom to achieve the most damage against the dust mite invaders as the pesky creatures love the warmth and humidity that is found in the bedroom. We spend a huge proportion of our lives sleeping so it makes sense that our beds will be a dust mite playground of dead skin and bacteria. Start by removing all the sheets and bedding and vacuuming your mattress, especially the base and head of the bed. Change and wash your pillowcases, sheets, and under blankets on a high temperature setting ( 130°F to 140°F).  Clean all flat surfaces in the bedroom to remove dust. Be sure to focus on the carpet in your bedroom, as this is another great breeding place for mites. Also, if your curtains are fabric, make sure you wash these thoroughly on a high temp or at least give them a good clean with a " target="_self" lightweight vacuum .

To maintain this wonderful level of cleanliness and keep the mite threat at a low level there are a number of steps you can take. Wash all your bedding frequently in hot water. Wash your curtains regularly as well. Make sure you air your bedroom on a regular basis. Throwing back the bed sheets for a few hours each day helps prevent dust mites from multiplying out of control. Keep your mattress as dry as possible as dust mites like it damp, especially with sweat. A Dehumidifier can help with this as it can starve the dust mites of the humidity they need to live and grow.

If you still can't stand the thought of these spider-like creatures in your bed at night, or you have some form of dust mite allergy, there are many more drastic measures you take. You can purchase a special dust mite matress cover, synthetic bed sheets and pillows that the mites don’t like to snuggle in.  Even more drastic you can change your bedroom floor to hardwood or laminate and change your curtain to wooden slats or blinds.

All of the methods mentioned above will help in the fight against the mite. Remember to be vigilant and maintain a good cleaning regime. While you may not totally eradicate dust mites from your home you will certainly be the master of your house.

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