relationship advice for men plus info on save the marriage even if only you want it to change plus marriage intractable problems counseling
Are you in a marriage that is making you unhappy or that is just not working? We all know that over half of first marriages end in divorce but many more linger on with one or both people unhappy and unfilled.
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For starters I want to say this and I cannot stress this enough - the fate of your marriage lies in your hands. Things may be looking very grim right now. It might even be the case that you see a divorce as inevitable regardless of what you do. This is wrong. You can save your marriage however bad it looks. If you take correct action you will save your marriage. There are no exceptions.
In this throw away society that we now live more and more people are seeing divorce as an easy option to sorting out their marital problems. However what if you are the type of person who believes that marriage is a beautiful thing worth fighting for and the words 'for better or for worse' mean just that. If you are in a desperate situation and say 'I need help to make my marriage work' then there are certain things that you can put into practise immediately that will help to turn your marriage around.
It is possible to save your marriage and make it work after your wife cheats. Doing these four things will help.
One of the saddest things in this world to witness or be a part of is seeing a marriage come to an end. It is a particularly sad event given that a marriage is normally entered into with so much joy anticipation and love. Sadly divorces are all too often these days bringing stress upheaval and heartache into many lives.
Successful marriages are a product of a mix of various components. Two of the most important ones are happiness and fulfillment. If these are not present this together with other factors can eventually cause marriage disaster.
You've probably read articles all about how to save marriage when it has become an obligation but what about if your spouse cheated? Cheating is one of the deadliest poisons to marriage since it brings shame into the relationship -- a sure sign of failure in trust fidelity and the relationship as a whole.