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I feel humbled and honoured to have met you at the Mind,Body Spirit Exhibition at Plinston Halls in Letchworth today. You are an inspiration and are... (more)
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MacGregor- Mr. George- LCSW
Montville, NJ
I feel humbled and honoured to have met you at the Mind,Body Spirit Exhibition at Plinston Halls in Letchworth today. You are an inspiration and are... (more)
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Just wanted to see how it worked! please leave me your comments... Thank you Sue... (more)
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Great to meet you Sue. I love your attitude! I think Lifegeta is excellent. Everyone should do it! Mark at Hertfordshire Multiple Sclerosis Therapy... (more)
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Millions of people are concerned about this problem. Acne and ruin the lives of girls and boys. Appeal denied, create repulsive impression literally forced to suffer particularly sensitive to their appearance. Let us at once a reservation that today is not going to discuss acne - severe acne rash, which should be treated with medication, under the supervision of a doctor. Today it comes to acne that appears from time to time on the skin of each of us.

The reason for the appearance of spots

Sebum blocks the pores and cause congestion - during puberty the body begins to produce more hormones. Under the influence of hormones is increased activity of sebaceous glands. Because of the sebum can not be displayed on the surface of the skin, but continues to develop fat old pace. As a result, the corked follicle (the so-called «root» of hair, or hair roots) are starting to grow bacteria. Vital bacteria cause inflammation, and even the gap follicle. To win inflammation in battle rush leukocytes, they devour harmful bacteria and products of their work, but it killed themselves, forming pus. They devour harmful bacteria and products of their work, but it killed them, forming pus.
It happens so that the problems with the skin nest much deeper than just inflammation of the skin. Acne can occur due to imbalance in the intestine. So, starting the fight against acne, especially, should adjust their diet. Sweet and fat should be limited, but better just to delete at least a couple of weeks. Coffee and black tea is better replaced by green tea and natural (fresh!) juices. I realize not everyone can afford to buy fresh juice, but juice can get and in the home that is always on hand - carrot, beet and cabbage. Vegetable juices are mad helpful, they provide the mass necessary vitamins. The imbalance in the intestine can be eliminated through the sour-milk products - half a cup of kefir in the morning cause bowel work as expected. Drugs contain bifid bacteria, necessary for normal functioning of the intestines. In the food should be consumed products containing a large amount of fiber - fruits (fresh and dried), vegetables and cereals. Do not forget about meat, but it should be lean - chicken, rabbit or turkey suit.

Freedom from spots

Only the already mature acne, you can gently remove the net pens removing, ruthlessly squeezing pimples, we are traumatizing the skin. By removing, ruthlessly squeezing pimples, we are traumatizing the skin. Admit not every one of you going to remove the festering pimple, washes face, hands, mashed acne alcohol, and then begins to extrude it. Guess? Squeezing blackheads with dirty hands, you risk putting an infection that can lead to very serious consequences, including sepsis and death. It’s scary ... So, the existing, mature - with a white head, painless to the touch pimples, we carefully remove the net pens. Now we need to avoid the appearance of new spots.

That they do not appear, the skin will take care of. To choose the right tool for the care of the face, first of all, decide what you skin type, Dry, oily or combination (oily on the forehead and dry on the cheeks). For each type has its own range of skin care. Here everything is very individual, each is picked up then it is better to work, you need only observe the simple rules: any type of skin in need of cleansing, wetting, and nutrition.

Face care
Clear skin can be different means. Someone washes with soap, as my mother taught, and the more advanced girls go to the drugstore and buy a special tool to purify the skin. Of course, the money costs money, and sometimes a lot, but the effect of their application will be there. Cleared funds, which are tried in their back thus, a means for cleaning the skin problems, good cleans the pores and not over dry skin. Cleaning Gel firm cleans well, and even refreshing. Lotion for problem skin clears and moisturizes at the same time. What to choose and how you approach it, we recommend that you read the articles

«Face care (tips for men and women)

How to prevent the appearance of spots, in the water for washing, add a little lemon juice or apple vinegar here is few recipes that will help maintain normal skin and prevent spots. Only need to use them systematically and long. Over one-half did not achieve any effect, that's for sure. Over one-half did not achieve any effect, that's for sure.

Recipe 1: Start the morning with a cup of cold water. Drink stomach to wash the body of accumulated overnight slag. Lift up your tone, so it will be easier to wake up.

Recipe 2: The water for washing, add a little lemon juice or apple vinegar. The mixture nourishes the skin. But beware, the solution must be very weak, not to avoid.

Recipe 3: In the morning you can obstinate individual ice cube. You can buy special form for cosmetic ice or use conventional form that exists in any fridge. Ice, you can take normal, but it is better to freeze both. During a rubdown ice cube is better wrapped in clean tissue wipe - so you do not warm skin and not cold.

Recipe 4: A variety of masks for the skin helps to reduce inflammation and support the health of the skin. Here are some recipes for masks. Tomatoes and cucumbers cut into circles (cut thinly!) And put the person at the 10-15 minutes. Carrots mixed with cheese, hold the person in 10 minutes and wash off with warm water.

If you follow these recommendations for a long (not less than six to eight months) of time, you'll be able to defeat those hated acne and look healthy and happy. Good luck!

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