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For millions of women, it happens like clockwork every month: cramping, bloating, mood swings, and acne. Experts know that acne is influenced by hormones, but research on the topic has been comparatively limited — till now. Alan Shalita, a well-known dermatologist recently released a report that proved that nearly 50% of all women have acne breakouts throughout  the week preceding their menstruation.

The difficulty with this type of acne, called hormonal acne, cannot always be treated with traditional therapies like antibiotics, topical creams etc. a number of clues can help your doctor to identify hormonally-influenced acne:

- Adult-onset acne, or breakouts that appear for the first time in adults

- acne breakouts right before a woman gets her period

- A chronicle of irregular menstrual cycles

- a high level of oiliness in the facial area

- Hirsutism (excessive growth of hair, or hair in uncommon places)

-high levels of certain male hormones in the blood streams

While hormonally influenced acne typically begins around the age 20–25, it can affect teens and mature women as well, and is most persistent in women over the age of 30. These patients mostly have lesions on the lower face, mainly the chin and the jaw line. luckily most women happen to get pimples only on the face, just a few women also have pimples on the chest and the back. Hormonally-influenced acne is generally moderate and limited to inflammatory papules and small inflammatory nodules and occasional comedones. But how does it start?

The puberty: the years where it all starts. Starting sometime before adolescence (around the age of nine or 10) the adrenal glands begin to produce dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), an androgen. With the starting puberty the woman´s body starts creating even more androgens, for example testosterone and dehydrotestosterone. All of these hormones energise the sebaceous glands to release more of the skin's natural oil, or sebum. This is the real reason why so many teens suffer from acne and oily skin. as you would expect, since boys have more "male" hormones, teen acne tends to be more severe in males.

The handling of acne in teenagers can be challenging, because their hormones are in a constant status of flux. They may initially react very well to first-line cures, such as topical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide, possibly accompanied by an oral antibiotic. And even if these products and treatments work, that doesn´t imply that they do work long term. Due to the ever-changing hormonal levels, it can happen, that certain treatments simply stop being efficient out of the blue. Courses of acne treatment might need to be adjusted more regularly with teenagers to accommodate these hormonal changes.

unluckily a lot of women become grownups without overcoming their acne issue. But there are also acne sufferers which develop hormonal acne just related to their period. Why? During the course of a normal menstrual cycle (if a woman is not taking any sort of hormonal birth control pill), estrogen levels peak at mid-cycle, then decline as she nears her menstruation. After the ovulation is over, the woman´s ovaries start producing progesterone, a hormone that also initiates the making of more oil in the sebum glands of the skin. And this excessive oil production leads to the appearance of acne. Hormones are also responsible for acne in a percentage of pregnant women, as well; during the last 3 months of pregnancy the oil glands make more sebum than normal and therewith cause oily skin and acne flareups. There are even women suffering from acne after they had their menopause. These women might experience acne, because of the lowering estrogen levels in their bodies, leaving the "male" testosterone as the dominant hormone.

Dr. Shalita, a respected skin specialist says, that simply doing nothing about hormonal acne is not the right way to go, because hormonal acne with repeated outbreaks during the woman´s period is not an issue you can overcome when you get older. It´s best to see your trusted dermatologist and develop a treatment program to beat the hormonal acne.

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