For some of you, if you pray regularly with great results, this may seem an odd question to ask, but many others want a basic guidance to getting the best out of their prayers.
This is actually a very reasonable question to ask, as prayers, like anything else, may as well be 'done' in the best way possible to get the results you desire.
I have collated a series of seven points below, to help you get the best results from your prayers, and know they work, as I practice these same methods as well, with excellent results.
1. To begin with, set aside some time each day, even if it is only ten minutes. As long as the time is sincere time, where you can devote your full attention, you will see positive results.
2. Pray in simple, everyday language, that you normally use. Put another way, be natural, and be yourself. This will be easier for you, and carry more meaning to you.
3. When ever you have a quick minute to spare, use it for what I call the minute prayer. This way, you will also feel a greater presence of your higher power around you.
4. It's a good idea to not always be asking for things, but rather, be grateful for that which you have. Also, by assuming that you already have what you want, and being thankful for it gives you and your prayer greater power.
5. Never criticise anyone else, or anything. Always pray in the positive. Your subconscious mind and life source work in the positive arena.
6. Always know that your positive prayers can affect not only you,but also your loved ones.
7. It is very important to realise that your prayers may be answered in ways that are better than you imagined., Be receptive to this, rather than rigid in your expectations.
Please understand that my intention here is not to specifically say there is a right or wrong way to pray, but rather, my point is that there are attitudes, and ideas that have proven themselves to be more effective.
One of the important ones I think are to never look at anything in a bad light, as our prayers are only regarded in the positive to ourselves and others. By wishing negative, we usually inflict the worst on ourselves.
Hence, it is always worth spending some quiet time on reflection, and both being thankful for waht we already have, as well as asking for encouragement and advice.
You will be amazed at the ideas that come back to you as well.