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Find place where you can be quite, close your eyes remember something that you wanted to have and got.
What were some of the feelings you had before and after he received what you wanted.
The positive thoughts you had , the feeling of knowing you would have it,
and pleasure you felt when you received it.
Your always manifest things that you want naturally,
using your thoughts and feelings to create what you want.
Getting what you want briningg your ideas, visions, concepts,
and dreams from your inner world into your out world where
you can experience them with your outer senses.
When you want something and you are certain you will get,
you see yourself having it and have no worries about not getting it,
you have positive pictures about it.
You want it intend to have it and I motivated to do
what is is necessary to bring it into your life.
Begin to observe how you get what you want with small simple things.
Develop your skills to get what you desire with things that are easy to bring into work.
And as you experience how you bring about things you want,
it you will start to feel confidence in your ability to create what you want.
Then you will be ready to to create bigger and in more unlimited ways.
There is no limit to what you can create, in your limit this world, everything is possible.
The important thing is to start to become conscious of how you bring about your desires
notice the feelings and thoughts that have before and after you have what it is you wanted.
You are the source of your abundance and money.
Through working with your feelings thoughts and intentions you can become a master at
creating whatever you want.
You are the source of your riches not your job your investments, your partner, or your parents.
By linking with unlimited abundance of your soul higher self, by opening a collection to the higher forces
(sometimes called God, the all of that is, the universal mind, Christ, orbuddha) by expressing and radiating
your higher qualities off inner peace joy and love, well- being, and aliveness you become the source
off your abundance.