If you are dealing with breast cancer there is important information you need to know but unfortunately no one will tell you.
For instance;
* Breast cancer is not just cancer of the breasts, its cancer of the whole body.
* We don't get breast cancer, we grow it.
* Breast cancer is slow growing and has probably been with you for the last 10 years.
* All cancers grow for a reason and it's this reason you need to know.
Breast cancer is not some foreign invader that's suddenly arrived in your body. It takes many years to develop before its large enough to be detected and the reason why it first grew is because we are not respecting our natural laws and living as we're supposed to. It's a deterioration of our immune system, our repair system that keeps us healthy and free of diseases that has caused this cancer to appear. It is a modern day problem, primarily in developed countries.
Unfortunately our orthodox system of treatments are not very effective and this system keeps us ignorant as to the causes of the problem so we are helpless about what we can do to help the body in overcoming breast cancer. Also there is nothing in the 3 mainstream treatments that will stop it from spreading or returning as they only focus on the growths themselves and not the reasons why it first appeared.
Our immune system is our bodies defence system which has keeps us healthy right through life but as we age it slowly weakens and that's why the majority of people affected by breast cancer are middle age.
Our immune system can be weakened by;
* The lack of fresh food in our diets.
* The consumption of too many food items we were never intended to eat.
* Our sedentary lifestyle which is our lack of exercise.
* The use of too many chemicals.
* Deficient in vitamin D which we get freely from the sun.
What the body needs is changes that incorporate the necessities of life, what it doesn't need is toxic treatments that further harm the body and at best only temporary removes some of the cancer. The sad fact is these treatments are in place today because they pay, not because they heal as all of our western medicine now days is money orientated. It is far more important to heal the body and allow the body to remove the growths which it will do.
To help the body cure breast cancer your diet needs to be freshly grown food, not processed or interfered with by man. Some exercise is important as it strengthens the immune system, fluids to drink that nobody has added alcohol or refined sugar to and also remove the chemicals we are using and many of them are in personal care products. Lastly adequate rest and sleep and little sunshine are also important.
By respecting the laws of Mother Nature and using a few common sense ways to live as we are supposed to, can return us to health and free of breast cancer and accomplish what no drug, doctor or healthy specialist could ever hope to achieve.