Do you want to find out how to make your penis bigger naturally and whether it's a reality? I am here to tell you that you can indeed make your penis bigger naturally all from the comfort of your home. In order to understand how to get started started you must first understand how these exercises work to force your penis to grow and get bigger naturally.
Let's be honest,penis size does matter. In fact penis size is one of thebiggest complaintsmade by women to their friends about their sex life. While the statement,"it's not the size it's what you do with it"is often repeated, in reality it's both size and game that will leave her wowed. Let's look at proven ways to learn how to make your penis bigger naturally !
To learnhow to make your penis bigger naturallyyou need to know that penis size is directly related to the amount of blood your penis can hold in the soft, spongy tissue called theCorpus Cavernosum. This is the tissue that fills up with blood when you get an erection, the more blood this area can hold the bigger, harder and firmer your penis will be.
Exercises to make your penis bigger are preformed daily to increase the ability for the Corpus Cavernosum to draw and hold more blood. This tissue is systematically increased over a period of time. The result? Abigger and harder penisboth when flaccid and erect.
The most common technique you should know to learn how to make your penis bigger naturally is calledJelqingand has been used for thousands of years by many cultures outside the western world.
Jelqing is performed when your penis is about 70-80 % erect, semi erect if you will. In this state the exercise will force your penis to expand and grow by forcing more blood into theCorpus Cavernosumthan it can currently hold. Overtime your penis is forced to hold more and more blood by expanding this tissue.
Jelqing is only one part of the equation. Warming up and daily stretching exercises are used in combination with Jelqing to make your penis biggernaturally. It is a very simple concept and it does work!
Most men report achieving a penis increase of 1-4 increase both in thelength and thickness of their penis. You will begin to notice changed to your penis size within the first several weeks with more than subtle changes in penis length and girth.
After several months the results can be staggering. Don't wait to discover how to make your penis bigger naturally with these proven exercises and techniques.
Making yourpenis bigger naturallyis a reality. You must avoid looking for dangerous pills and pumps that may offer "temporary" increase in penis size.
Bigger forever is what you want right? We all do!
Size really DOES matter.Visit how to make your penis bigger naturally today! Stop being embarrassed of the size of your penis,increase your self confidenceand eliminate the anxiety of wanting a bigger penis by starting these exercises today.