People leading a sedentary life style, pregnant women and women who have given birth to children suffer more frequently from external hemorrhoids. The condition is also hereditary in some families. Hemorrhoids could be removed at any stage but the earlier a doctor is consulted, the better are the chances that you avoid surgery and hospitalization. As the hemorrhoid protrusion grows in size, the treatment methods change. Different treatment procedures are applied to different stages of the hemorrhoid status. Diagnosing external hemorrhoids is done by a simple manual examination.
Basic methods for removal of external hemorrhoids.
- A correctly administered conservative therapy is usually sufficient to remove external hemorrhoids in initial stage.
- A thrombectomy -the thrombosed vein is cut and an excision of a thrombus is performed. This method is applicable in cases of large hemorrhoid lumps which are very painful. The procedure does not require hospitalization. It is applied when conservative therapy has proved no effective or when it can take too much time.
- Excision of an external hemorrhoid - this method is performed in out-patient conditions and under local anesthesia. This is the most effective way to remove periodically arising external hemorrhoids.
Other methods of removal of external hemorrhoids.
- Doppler ligation - through this method the individual artery which feeds the hemorrhoid vessels is tied off. This way, the external hemorrhoids are caused to shrink. The procedure is performed by the use of an anoscope with a Doppler probe.
- Hemorrhoidectomy - this is a method for patients with severe form of external hemorrhoids, usually with third- and fourth degree hemorrhoids. The surgical removal of hemorrhoids requires anesthesia and hospitalization of the patient.
- Rubber band ligation - this is a technique of placing a small rubber band at the base of the hemorrhoid lump which cuts off blood supply to the dilated vein. The withered hemorrhoid drops off in four to seven days.
- Sclerotherapy - this is a simple technique performed under no or little anesthesia. There are no aftermath complications and the effect is durable. The method eliminates pain, bleeding and prolapsed in 80% of the patients. It is applied to patients with large hemorrhoid units and severe complications.
Preventive measures.
Unless you do some prevention, hemorrhoids will return. The most effective preventive measures are:
• Good personal hygiene - if you clean up the rectal area carefully with wet wipes or wash it after bowel movement, you could postpone the re-occurrence of hemorrhoids. Avoid using toilet paper in order not to provoke external hemorrhoids formations.
• Control your body weight and lose some if needed.
• Eat fiberous food to regulate bowel movements.
• Use laxatives or stool softeners in case of constipation.
• Avoid straining while defecating.
• Increase your amount of physical activities.
• Pay attention to exercising the buttocks muscles.
• Drink at least 2 liters of liquids daily.
• Never postpone the urge for defecation.
• Do not strain and add excessive pressure during defecation.
• Always apply laxative suppositories and stool softeners in cases of constipation.
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