How to soothe the effects of eczema
To know how to control eczema we need to understand the different causes of Eczema. Allergies to external irritants such as dust mites can cause eczema. Internal causes such as stress, diet and the build up of toxins in the body can also be a factor. The body tries to push these out which cause the reaction on the skin. Atopic Eczema is normally present at birth and is usually accompanied by Asthma or Hay fever.
Psoriasis is often treated as a separate illness but is essentially the same apart from the areas of the body affected. Psoriasis normally affects the lower parts of the legs where Eczema can be found on the back of the neck, face, arms, torso and behind the knees.
Holistic approach to treatments
I must stress that there is no known cure for Eczema I can only talk about what is working for me.
The state of mind can have a positive or negative affect on the body. Having a general peace of mind can go a long way in reducing the symptoms of Eczema. Yoga and other relaxation techniques are great for this .Muata Ashby does great Egyptian Yoga DVD's and books.
Experimenting with food to determine which ones cause irritation is a sure fire way to prevent eczema from spreading. Drinking an Aloe Vera based drink can aid the production of newly formed skin cells.
The following skin care tips can help to reduce the affects of Eczema
Avoid soap use an emollient substitute instead
Use an Aloe Vera based crème on affected areas at least 3 times a day. There are Aloe Vera Creams on the market which are mixed with bee propolis which is a natural antibiotic.
- Keep skin moisturised with an Aloe Vera cream.
- Diet is important monitor foods which can cause outbreaks.
- Use Yoga and other relaxation techniques to relieve stress.
- Drink an Aloe Vera based drink to help with skin repair.