There are millions all over the world with serious sleeping problems. If they are able to snatch an hour or two of sleep at night, they consider themselves very fortunate.
Many of these unfortunate individuals regard their condition as untreatable. After struggling for years to find an effective cure for their insomnia, they finally give up and accept their condition as something they must learn to live with.
It makes them better to read about famous authors, artists, scientists, film-starts, politicians and many celebrities who also suffered from insomnia. They are pleased to learn that these famous people were still able to live useful productive lives in spite of getting very little sleep at night.
If you also happen to be someone who has problems sleeping, it may be a source of some releif to know you are in good company. Listed below are names of just a few famous personalities, from all walks of life, who suffered in the way as you are suffering now.
Napoleon. Napoleon is one striking example of a person who managed to get by on as little as three hours sleep. Another famous personality who appeared to need very little sleep was Winston Churchill.
Winston Churchill. It is a well-known fact that, for the most part of his life, Churchill suffered from insomnia. He also suffered from severe bouts of depression that persisted until old age. Churchill referred to this depressive state as his “black dog”.
Sir Isaac Newton.The famous British mathematician, astronomer and philosopher, one of the leading pioneers of scientific discovery, whose name is associated with the laws of gravitation, was also known to have suffered from severe depression and inability to sleep.
Thomas Edisonthe most famous and prolific inventor in history also had great difficulty in falling asleep.
Robert Burns. The Scottish poet, in his personal writings frequently referred to his fits of melancholy and anxiety and his inability to enjoy the comfort of a full night’ sleep.
John Stuart Mill. The famous English economist and philosopher John Stuart Mill was also known to have suffered from bouts of depression and as a result found great difficulty in falling asleep.
Benjamin Franklin,considered by many to have been the most intelligent and able president in American history, who achieved world renown not only as a statesman and diplomat, but also a scientists and inventor, is also someone who suffered from severe bouts of insomnia.
Other American presidents who were also insomniacs were
Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.
And in more modern times the name ofMargaret Thatcherhas been mentioned as someone who had great difficulty in falling asleep.
Well known writers, who were known to have suffered from insomniawere
Shakespeare, Dickens, Marcel Proust, and Scott Fitzgerald.
Actors and actresses were also not immune:
The names ofCary Grant and Marilyn Monroecome to mind.
In spite of the discomfort, frustration, stress and tension these famous people must have suffered from insomnia, they still managed to achieve distinction in their chosen fields. They never allowed their insomnia to stand in the way of their goals.
It is interesting to note however, that so many of these famous people, forced to cope with their sleep problems, also suffered from problems of depression and anxiety.
If you are inclined to the view that the lack of sufficient sleep – referred by medical authorities as “Sleep Deprivation” - cannot harm your body in any way and you bolster this argument by using the examples of famous people who suffered from insomnia without noticeable ill effects, it is important to realize that there is a wide variation in the need for sleep by different people.
In the same way as individuals respond in different ways to the effect that food has on their bodies, due to variations in their metabolic functions, there is a wide disparity in the amount of sleep different people need.
The fact that a famous person, who you have read about and admire, could get by with as little as two or three hours of sleep at night, does not necessarily means that you can do the same without endangering your health.
The benefits, to both mind and body, of deep, relaxing, refreshing sleep every night are universally recognized. There is no doubt that people are able to function physically far more effectively. They are also able to think far more clearly and work far more productively.
If you feel that you are not getting enough sleep at night, it is very important to be aware of the serious dangers to your health of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is a condition that can be avoided.
Insomnia is not an incurable disease. Sleeping problems can be solved without sleeping pills, drugs, or medication of any kind.
If at present you feel that you are not getting the amount of sleep you need to remain healthy, it is important for you take steps to remedy the situation. Effective solutions to solve insomnia and long-standing sleep problems are definitely available to you.