You don't have to be rich in order to prevent losing your hair any further. There are some perfectlyinexpensive treatments of hair losstips that you can follow. They won't cost you a dime but will give you the same or better results than people who spend a fortune to have their hair grow back. Some of the natural cures that you could adopt include the following.
Green Apples
Green apples contain a natural compound known as polyphenol that has been found to be effective in the promotion of hair growth. This treatment especially works for the male pattern baldness. According to research, the appropriate and continual usage of the naturally derived polyphenol for a period of six months usually props up both the vellum and terminal hair growth significantly. Vellus is short hair theat never grows longer over time. Terminal hair on the other hand refers to that long hair that keeps growing. Polyphenol compound has been found to be beneficial to a great number of people. When you use natural hair remedies, the quality of the hair is also vastly improved. Also, an apple extract can work greatly for new hair growth and it nourishes the hair naturally.
Omega 3 and Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 and Omega 3 fatty acids have high amounts of anti-inflammatory properties. These chemicals are useful in the treatment of healthy hair. Increasing the quantity of Omega 3 fatty acids can help in hair regrowth. Omega 3 can be gotten from soybean oil and canola oil, which is directly applied to your scalp by mixing it with coconut oil. Other sources of Omega 3 include salmon, mackerel, sardines, lake trout, and albacore tuna. This natural hair loss remedy helps you get healthy silky hair.
Ginger stimulates the hair follicles, hence promoting hair growth. It is also very useful in preventing thinning hair. Since it is rich with fatty acids, it helps prevent premature hair loss and premature baldness.
Capsicum has the ability to increase the growth of the hair by about 50%. It is also useful in blood circulation in the scalp. It releases histamine that effectively stimulates cell division. Therefore, it helps augment hair follicles and the promotion of new growth of hair.
Rosemary helps fight dandruffs. If applied regularly on the scalp, it vastly lowers the possibility of having dandruff. In addition, the circulatory movement of rosemary also removes sebum accumulation on the scalp. It is thus a very inexpensive substance for preventing hair loss.
The other inexpensive treatment is to take a low fat diet. Some studies show that male pattern baldness is associated with increased testosterone levels during puberty. A high fat, meat based diet greatly increases testosterone levels in the body which adversely affect hair follicles. A wholesome diet, which is rich in silica, calcium, and iron will help reduce hair loss as will green leafy vegetables, especially sea vegetables. Iron intake should also be increased by eating plenty of iron rich foods such as dried fruits, cherry juice, liver, whole grain cereals, eggs, dates, and dark green vegetables. For women, thinning hair can be as a result of a problem in the gastrointestinal tract. This could be an indication of inadequate amounts of stomach acids. Eating foods rich in proteins, zinc, and other nutrients can also help.