Jesus is Not God: A Horrible Blasphemy!!
What wrong we can attribute to God All-Mighty.
How do you know that God has begotten a son?
What proof can you offer for your false presumption?
Why should God have a son, and not two, or a daughter or two?
Why the poor Holy Spirit have to be in a false Trinity?
What grave error Christians have to believe in this?
What grave error they attribute a son to God?
There is no one proof that Jesus Christ has existed.
There is no one word mentioned in the history of mankind about Christ.
Christ is mentioned only in the four books of the Gospel, nothing else indicates his presence.
If we have no evidence of his existence, how can we have an evidence of him being the son of God?
Christians do wrong and injustice to God by saying:
Christ is the son of God.
Or Christ is God.
They even do more injustice and horror to identify Christ as God.
How can God be a man at one and the same time, while He has created mankind?
How God with his All powerful Might be shamed on earth, be spat at, be tortured and then be crucified by a bunch on hoodlums few insignificant roman soldiers?
Is this a God?
Is this the God All-Mighty that has created everything?
Is this the God that has created man who was nothing and is still nothing, unable to change the color of his eyes or his skin or his shape, or his ageing, or stop death?
How utter horror to attribute to God the creator of everything a position of crucifixion!
How utterly ridiculous that God cannot save Himself from the Cross!
But Man with his or her arrogance, self conceit and ignorance make God as a man, torture Him, and put Him to death on the cross. Then resurrect Him and send Him back to His Throne.
Such God I certainly do not want to worship!!
What evidence Christ was crucified on the Cross?
What evidence the ignorant pertinacious for knowledge have to prove that God sent His son?
How did He have a son and He has no mate??
I challenge you all who believe in Christ as son or God or in Trinity or in one in two or one in three to produce one single evidence to what you say.
Why not one in four or one in five?
Bring One, and only One, single index, or sign for the horrible blasphemy you proclaim unjustly
And attribute unjustly to God All-Mighty
If He wishes He perishes all humans , all the earth,
What arrogance.
Wake up humans to your faults,
The Horror, The Horror, The Horror