Have you found that you often carry out an audit of your life, and find it lacking in certain departments? You try and improve your life and yourself by setting up plans and ambitions but you find that your lofty goals quickly fall by the wayside as your once burning enthusiasm curdles into abject apathy.I this sounds a bit too cynical for your liking answer me this: over the course of this current year, how many times have you vowed that you were going to take up a particular project, such as going to the gym more often, lose weight or learn a new skill?
And how many times did you actually stick to your guns and see that particular adventure through to its conclusion? I rest my case.
So many of us look to the New Year as a landmark time of the year as it provides us with the requisite motivation to alter our life for the better. At least, that is what we keep telling ourselves each and every year and yet, we end up making the same mistakes, falling prey to the same self-defeating patterns of behavior as we did for the previous 364 days of the year. New year resolutions? Give me a break: they would be better off being labeled as "exercises in self-delusion."
If you haven't been mortally offended with what you have read thus far, then congratulations as there maybe some hope for you yet because part of the problem is that it far too easy to simply give in when things get tough, or merely take us out of our cozy and well established comfort zone. Hopefully, you will find the time and muster the self-discipline to carry out the following advice and then you really can say hello to a much happier new you!
Ok, I want you to take a blank piece of paper, your favorite pen and then proceed to write down the five areas in your life that are the most important to YOU. Now the important part here dear reader is to ensure that you do this without thinking, do it automatically and "whatever springs to mind."
Then draw a pie chart, and write down between zero and one hundred percent how content you are with that part of your life. You maybe rather surprised at the results that you come up with!
Now that you have identified the problem areas you want to improve upon (which is the most crucial step) now jot down your feelings about why you are so unhappy about the areas of your life that you want to work upon. Identify positive and proactive steps that you will or can implement in order to improve them and then number them. Once you achieve a particular step, make sure you tick it off.
Ticking off your steps keeps you on track, motivated, and allows you to see progress as it is made.