Who Is Luminous Brites?
A company that offers a high quality in home teeth whitening solution for less than the leading name brand competitors. Teeth whitening is expensive and many want results, so to prove themselves they are currently offering a free 14 day trial of there product.
In Home Vs In Office
So your probably debating, should you do the in home solution and does it work? Or should you visit your dentist to get it done?
In Home Vs In Office
So your probably debating, should you do the in home solution and does it work? Or should you visit your dentist to get it done?
Facts About In Office Treatments
- Each Treatment Costs About $1,000
- Many People need 2 or 3 treatments for full results
- You still have to use at home mouth trays after your dental visit
- You will eventually need to whiten your teeth again
- Teeth Whitening Is Not Permanent
So Why do people go to the dentist? Because they want faster results and have money to pay for the results quickly. If your looking for immediate results because of a wedding or some special occasion then I would recommend a dental visit first to kick start your whiter teeth, however if you want to maintain those pearly whites you are still going to need a constant in home solution. Your dentist is going to recommend that you use whatever solution they are currently working with which should run you about $200 every couple of months for the upkeep of whitening your teeth and this of course is done in home. Similar to the luminous brites system and many other in home solutions
Facts About In Home Solutions
- It costs much less then a dental teeth whitening plan
- It takes longer than a dental teeth whitening plan
- It works just a well as a dental teeth whitening plan
- Its the same strength of peroxide that dentist give you
- Its not as uncomfortable as a dental visit
For those of us who want to save money and have a little time to spare when deciding to whiten our teeth, an at home teeth whitening solution is just perfect. Since the final outcome is the same as a professional solution the only big decision to worry about is cost. Finding an at home solution that can be used that will have the same effective strength as a professional treatment is very important.
Professional teeth whitening usually have between 10% and 35% hydrogen peroxide.
- Brite Smile Uses 15%
- Zoom Uses 25%
- Laser Smile Uses 37%
- Luma Arch Uses 35%
- Rembrandt Uses 25%
Luminous Brites Uses 22% Hydrogen Peroxide
Teeth Whitening - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
Of course you are probably worried about any long term and immediate side effect, discomfort and pain assiciated with teeth whitening. After all applying a chemical to your teeth to make them brighter isnt natural and has to assume there are advantages and dissadvantages
The number one biggest concern is tooth sensitivity, pain and discomfort. The biggest question your probably thinking is, does the peroxide thin out or weaken your tooth in order to make them whiter.The answer is NO!Microscopic research has proven that there is no change to the surface of the tooth or volume of the tooth after using hydrogen peroxide.
The sensitivity to the peroxide is simply the change in temperature from hot/cold while using the peroxide solution fluids. Its like putting an ice cube to your tooth. If you put an ice cube to your tooth for a short period of time your tooth will become sensitive, even more so if you breath in and out to create a flow of air around the tooth. However the ice did not shrink or damage the surface to your tooth, the change in temperature is just being registered by your nervous system
The next biggest concern might be the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. More hydrogen peroxide is going to have a more dramitic effect and also cause more sensitivity. In office solutions have as much as 38% hydrogen peroxide compared to in home solutions which range from 10% to 25%. Higher concentrations will whiten your teeth faster but at the higher costs of money and sensitivity. At home solutions work equally the same, but since they have lower concentrations it may take bit longer then a dental visit, but it will cost much less and cause less discomfort.
Here is the Luminous Brites Sales Pitch.
Luminous brites is currently offering a Free 14 day trial of there product.
Because all it takes to show you results is 14 days of using there product. You will have whiter teeth after that 14 day period and you get the product for free... Well, you have to pay shipping to cover the costs of getting the product to your doorstep, but thats less than $5.
Ok so now you get to have whiter teeth for $5, and if your not fully convinced at the end of the 14 days, that luminous brites really works, and provides results, then simply call them up and cancel. You will still have slightly whiter teeth and it cost you almost nothing.
However if you are satified, then Luminous Brites will place you on there auto ship program. every month you will get a fresh supply of teeth whitening solution so you can keep up the treatment and keep those teeth pearly white.
You are not obligated to stay on the auto ship program for any period of time, simply keep your subscription till you feel your teeth are as white as they can get or till your satisfied with the final outcome of your teeth. Usually you will see the best results after about 3 months, at which time you can pause your subscription untill you notice you teeth getting yellow again
Color Fading Is Inevitable!
Its going to happen, and the only way to continually have whiter teeth is to continually treat your teeth with an at home solution...
But your dentist wont tell you that till after the treatment and then they offer it to you as an "OPTION"
Dont get stuck with high priced dental teeth whitening plans!
And dont believe all the pre sale hype of results in just one visit. That sales pitch is just to get you in the door, because the average dental teeth whitening solution requires, on average, 3 visits and at $1,000 per visit, that isn't a very affordable solution, and they are still going to send you home with an at home upkeep solution of which you have to restock your supply with there "professiona at home kit" Which is honestly just a slightly higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide then what Luminous Brites will provide for you