Are you at your wits end with the Law of Attraction?
You're at a point where you've toiled and toiled over it and you can't seem to make any headway in manifesting abundance in your life, and you feel you've run out of options.
To put it bluntly, you're thinking about giving up. You've just about resigned yourself to the fact that either the Law of Attraction doesn't work or that just doesn't work for you.
Whoa! Wait a minute! Not so fast!
Sometimes in life, we're so close to the problem and/or situation that we're not able to see clearly the next step that we need to take that will take us to the next level.
In cases like this, sometimes it takes a person with an unbiased perspective of your situation to see what the actual problem is, because they're not invested in it the way you are.
Well, with that being said, I'm here to tell you that you're only one step away from being able to properly use the Law of Attraction so you can start truly manifesting abundance in your life.
There's just one transition you need to make that will make all the difference in the world.
This reminds me of stories I've read of people who, when they started learning boxing, struggled to learn to the basics of the sport. They struggled with learning the proper footwork, while learning how to punch properly, while learning how to block punches, all coupled with learning how to telegraph punches.
All while trying to learn how to get this all down, they received tremendous punishment in the ring from their opponent.
Then one day, it all clicked, where they let it all go, and everything came together where they just naturally knew what to do in the ring without even thinking about it.
By taking this step, they were able to go to another level in boxing.
Now, I'm not saying this is the EXACT step you need to take to become successful at manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction, rather, I want you to see how there is one step that will make ALL the difference in how successful you in using the Law of Attraction.
So what's this step?
The step you need to take to finally become successful with the Law of Attraction is to go from "wanting" your desire to already "having" it in your mind.
If you're able to take this step in your mind, there will be absolutely NO stopping you in what you'll be able to manifest in your life. Your stories will be so incredible that even I may not believe you if you told me them.
So, how do you go from "wanting" to already "having"?
I thought you'd never ask.