When we`re mere slips of things, we tend not to think about such things as vitamin supplements. But as we get older - especially around menopause –it is essential to give our body all of the nutrient it needs.
Of course, food would be the ideal way to do this, but when this is not possible, we often turn to tablets and other preparations. But how do we know which are the best vitamins for menopause?
Vitamin A -Necessary for the health and growth of the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to an increased susceptibility to infections.
Food Containing Vitamin A Include: Spinach, carrots, turnips, apricots, cantaloupe melon and sweet potato.
Vitamin B Complex- Several of the B vitamins are beneficial during menopause. They help us to, maintain a healthy liver. Low levels of vitamin B complex can lead to fatigue and depression.
Food Containing Vitamin B Include: Meat and poultry, fish, beans, wholewheat bread (B3). Meat and poultry, fish, bananas, wholegrain cereals and dairy products (B6) Fish, poultry, eggs (B12).
Vitamin C- This is the healing vitamin and helps to mend wounds and burns. It also helps the adrenal glands and supports the body's immune system – something else that needs more help as we enter menopause.
Food Containing Vitamin C Include: Fortified breakfast cereals, citrus fruits, broccoli, sprouts, kale, peppers.
Vitamin D- Along with calcium and estrogen, adequate amounts of vitamin D are essential for maintaining the strength and maintenance of bone mass, and to minimize the risk of osteoporosis as we age. Food Sources of Vitamin D
Food Containing Vitamin D Include: Canned tuna or salmon, dairy products.
Vitamin E -Believed to have chemical activities similar to estrogen, Vitamin E has recently been used as an estrogen substitute. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps keep cells healthy.
Food Containing Vitamin C Include: Wheatgerm oil, eggs, green leafy vegetables, cereals, dried beans.
When looking for the best vitamins for menopause, do your research and find out exactly what nutrients you may be lacking. Taking in more than you need of certain vitamins can often be downright dangerous, so if you`re not sure, seek advice.