It doesn’t matter whether you are24 weeks pregnantor 25. What is important is that you have reached a commendable point in this journey. You have survived morning sickness, weight gain, and all of the other changes your body has presented. The progress you’ve made is proving to be par for the course as you await the next few weeks have in store for you. Expectant mothers24 weeks pregnantwill probably be experiencing stronger kicks from their baby than before. It’s not hard to figure out why this is. The baby has lengthened and now weighs approximately one pound. He or she is enjoying the new found freedom of stretching, which may not be too much fun for you.
During this stage in pregnancy there has been increased development in both the digestive and central systems. As these systems develop, they begin to put into practice the activities they were made for. Expectant mothers24 weeks pregnantare carrying babies who are maturing day-by-day. These changes, all work together for the day of delivery.
Women who are24 weeks pregnantoften begin to experience stress related to pregnancy or delivery concerns. Even everyday stresses affect pregnant women in unforeseen ways. These also, present challenges for their unborn child. Therefore, it is really important to handle any sort of pressure wisely during pregnancy.
It is a great idea to find a way to relieve stress, like taking a long walk of even acupressure. Finding the right balance is important during this time of excitement. Expectant moms tend to find this phase one to look forward to motherhood. They focus on things like breast-feeding or their return to work. Taking time each day to rest and find a quiet place to think can be a relief as well.
Women25 weeks pregnantmay find that their tummies are nearing the size of a large ball. The increase in this size is known for placing pressure on other things inside of a woman’s body, like her back or pelvis. This also results in more frequent visits to the bathroom. These types of occurrences have become common place, though.
Other problems of women25 weeks pregnantare leg cramps and numbness. Some experience random pains in the area which can lead to more serious conditions. This should be monitored by expectant moms. Comfort is very important at this phase and could be a simple matter of getting a firmer mattress.
Women who are25 weeks pregnantshould avoid activities that require them to bend excessively or walk long distances. This is definitely a time to take care of yourself and your baby. It doesn’t hurt to even be spoiled from time to time. Eating a great meal and taking a nap may be the cure for what ails you!
At weeks 24 and 25 women need to pay attention to themselves and the changes they are experiencing. It’s smart to realize that each individual change is preparing them for their big day. There is more time behind you now than there is ahead, and that is a good thing.