If you walked into a doctor's office and saw a pamphlet entitled "Procrastination: The Review Of The Condition" you would probably pick it up. You may put off reading it until later, but you would take it with you with good intentions. Here you have procrastination.
Most people do procrastinate about something in their lives on occasion. This is considered the "normal" characteristic of being human. Then there are the people who are obsessive about putting things off until tomorrow. These people are labeled "Chronic Procrastinators".
Those "Do-It-Later" people are most likely suffering from stress, anxiety, unpunctuality, guilt, and lack of responsibility. Chronic procrastination may also be signs of a psychological disorder. You may not be able to cope with your anxiety of stress and procrastination may actually make you feel better, at least for a while.
Procrastinators also suffer from a lack of productivity. People who run around claiming there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done are most likely procrastinators.
Two Top Ways Of Overcoming Procrastination
Even though procrastination is not a life-threatening ailment (unless you are procrastinating your health care) it can be bothersome and wreck havoc with your life. Retraining yourself is the most common practice of beating this condition of habit.
The two top ways to stop this procrastination entrapment are:
1. Organization and Time Management. Organizing your home, office, files, etc. will bring you great satisfaction and let you get a handle on what exactly needs to be done. Writing a list of items to be done and breaking that down into time manageable days works wonders for people who are able to focus on their days with no variable (such as unavoidable interruptions).
2. Hypnosis for Procrastination. Hypnosis is a technique of using what you already have. It's your imaginative power. Your own imagination can strengthen the confidence and self-esteem within you. Self-hypnosis is the most popular as it can retrain your thoughts to be more motivated and productive in a timely manner.
Each of these methods are both simple and results are quick. If used in combination, both of ways can put you back on a fast track to being a ultra-productive person.
A productive person is able to feel a positive anticipation toward obtaining their goals. No more guilt or hopelessness. Only the sheer success of reaching your goals.
This review was brought to you by an actual chronic procrastinator.