We don’t have cancer prevention today and nearly everyone is ignorant about its causes. People are faced with so many distorted facts about cancer and too many just accept what’s on offer. Here are some common questions I’ve been asked about cancer so you can gain a little knowledge about the subject.
Q. Why is there so much cancer now days?
A. It’s because of the way we now live compared to 40 to 50 years ago when cancer was rare and it’s these changes that has caused the problem.
Q. What is the cause of cancer?
A. Cancer doesn’t have a single cause, it has many causes, our wrong food choices being just one of them but it’s the most important cause. Other contributing factors are our sedentary lifestyle and the chemicals we encounter everyday. All these causes weaken our defence system which allows cancer cells to become established.
Q. My friend’s father had treatment for his cancer but died a year later, why didn’t it cure him?
A. The treatments now days are only removing cancer growths; they don’t look at the root cause why it first appeared so naturally it will just reappear again, usually in some other location.
Q. If my cancer has reappeared is it too late to do something about it?
A. No, it’s never too late, the human body has a natural ability to heal itself but it does need a little help by making simple lifestyle changes.
Q. What is the connection between cancer and the immune system?
A. The immune system is very important because it’s the reason why the cancer appeared in the first place; it had been weakened and allowed cancer cells to become established.
Q. How does our wrong food choices cause us to get cancer?
A. We need to maintain our health throughout life and the food we eat daily with its vitamins and phytochemicals does that for us. Today we are mostly eating processed food and any food that’s been processed has lost its nutritional value.
Q. Can cancer be passed from one person to another?
A. No, it can’t, it is not contagious.
Q. What about genetics, we are told that if our parents had cancer it is likely that we will also get cancer?
A. It’s not genetics in so much as lifestyle factors; we pick up bad habits from our parents because they were our teachers. These habits can be easily broken.
Q. How successful is radiation and chemotherapy?
A. While our orthodox medical system does have its share of success with some leukaemia’s and lymphomas, unfortunately the most common cancers are as resistance to their treatments as they were 40 to 50 year ago.
Q. What about cancer tests like mammograms for breast cancer and PSA test for prostate cancer?
A. They are important but they are not 100 percent reliable. Also for cancer to be detected it has to be of a certain size so it takes many years before symptoms become apparent.
Q. Is there other ways to treat cancer or are there only surgery, radiation and chemotherapy?
A. Yes there are other ways and that is to address the reasons why the cancer first appeared and allow the body to heal which it will do. By doing so you are strengthening the immune system and the body will remove the cancer naturally.
Q. How long will it be before we have a cure for cancer?
A. Unfortunately that’s not going to happen. We’ve been looking for a cure for nearly 40 years since President Nixon declared war on the disease in 19:71. Cancer is a deficiency disease and you won’t fix that with a pill. The only way to cure it is to remedy the deficiency.
We spend billions of dollars in treating cancer today yet we spend little promoting the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, foods that medicine well knows are helpful in preventing and reversing cancer. Unfortunately the bulk of research money goes towards looking for a cure, not preventing cancer or promoting treatments that are beneficial.
Alan Wighton is an independent health researcher, having spent many years specialising in cancer. For further information on more effective ways to overcome cancer using the powerful natural healing ability of the human body; please visit /