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You may have dreamed about how your life would be improved if you were able to quit smoking. But still, you puff away, moving farther and farther from your goal. It seems you have tried all avenues of smoking cessation, but there is one left: quit smoking hypnosis.
Some of the reasons you may continue to smoke are: fear of weight gain, fear of anxious feelings, and fear of failure. If you think about some of the reasons for quitting, they might be: saving money, health benefits, increased energy levels, pride of accomplishment, and higher self esteem. Most studies reveal a higher failure rate for individuals who try to stop smoking cold turkey. Those who use other aids, including hypnosis, usually have a much greater chance of quitting and sustaining a non-smoker status.
Hypnosis is a safe, naturally occurring state of mind, such as when you arrive home and realize you have driven past the places on your route without even noticing them. Another example is when you are intently focused on a television program or a book, and you do not realize that someone is trying to get your attention. It is all about where your focus is, and the information to which your brain is attending at the time. Rlectric Cigarette Tube Injector Rolling Machine
Smoking cessation with the assistance of hypnosis has been proven to increase quit rates. Adding components to provide information, relaxation, and support can reinforce the efforts of a person to break the negative habit or addiction. There are several components to hypnosis for smoking cessation. The first is motivation and confidence building. Prior to bringing someone into a hypnotic state, it is desirable to examine and list the reasons a person wants to quit. Identifying the positive aspects of their projected life without cigarettes gives the therapist tools to motivate the person when the going gets rough.
Next, people have to examine the importance of cigarettes in their lives. Identifying the meaning attached to smoking is a factor in learning what life changes will be necessary for breaking their habit. After the emotional connection is realized, there has to be a period of reprogramming. Hypnotherapists use various ways to break and replace those attachments with more positive choices.Rlectric Cigarette Tube Injector Rolling Machine
One method of hypnosis is to have the person relax, while imagining a situation in which they are smoke-free and living at an optimum level of health. The individual visualizes their body releasing the toxins currently present in the body. The imaging usually includes some mental picture in which the individual is in control and able to banish the negative forces. For example, the person may imagine that all of the bodily cravings are contained in a small balloon. The balloon is then slowly, gradually blown away, so that the person has a mental image of being separated from the cravings.
Once the person has successfully quit smoking, it is important to dispute the mindset that smoking is ever going to be necessary. The therapist points out that fact that the cigarettes are not relevant, because the person was able to perform all activities before beginning to smoke. This helps the person break the emotional attachment and fights against relapse.
Although it is possible for many people to quit smoking on their own, they are much likely to have long-term success with assistance such as quit smoking hypnosis. Rlectric Cigarette Tube Injector Rolling Machine