Desperate isn't too strong a word for describing your present urge to get your ex back . There are some powerful and effective methods out there to help you. We'll talk about some of those in a second but I'll point out as well there are some amazing resources at the foot of this article. Pretty much the best site I've found for winning back love with a simply laid out game plan to get your relationship totally back on track. You owe it to both of you to have a look.
In any event: You'd been making grand plans together. Building some pretty fabulous castles in the air. Then crash!!
You're devastated now at the work involved, in fact the near hopeless prospect it looks like, of winning back your ex-partner. As I've said, and believe me I speak from hard-won experience, there's always a way back
We'll firstly go over a couple of points which if you don't get these right, it'll set you back quite a ways...
Endless Analysing
Just to mention, there's a tendency to analyse things forever more. What did I do wrong? What could I have done better? You can think yourself into a complete dead end that way. There's millions and millions of things even the most perfect of us can get wrong. That's not allowing for the fact that what's wrong one day can be right the next. And vice versa.
And has it occurred to you that guilt feelings to do with something they've done can have driven them away? It happens. So don't spend precious time analysing the old relationship to death. That's not the way to regain your ex-partner's love
Pouring Your Heart Out
Another natural tendency is to get right at them letting them know how much they mean to you. And just how hard the breakup has hit. Well if the relationship is a good as I'm guessing it was – you're looking to revive it – they'll for sure know what a treasure they were. And everything else you've told them.
It'll make you seem a cry-baby which is fatal if you're a man(or woman). The better the relationship was, the greater the loss/grief. But telling them won't get them back. Or if it does by some strange miracle of human relations, they'll remind you of it. It'll be as a dagger to the heart every time they do it.
On Having Fun
So what do you do? Whatever you do, let it be upbeat. Something that really takes your attention off of them. Look on this as an opportunity: to contact those old pals chose company you've always loved but you just couldn't seem to fit them in. This is what friendship's all about. Concentrate on having fun with them as never before. There's so much more I can tell, and in the process delay you even longer from the resources I promised earlier on
Now you need to play close attention to this.
This plan will work if you work the plan to get your ex back. They're the resources I promised you earlier. Those resources are here I hope that helps