Acne (1,500)
Addictions (1,500)
Advice (1,500)
Allergies (1,092)
Alternative Medicine (1,500)
Anti Aging (1,500)
Breakup (1,500)
Cancer (1,499)
Dental Care (1,500)
Disabilities (1,500)
Divorce (1,500)
Elderly Care (1,498)
Goal Setting (1,500)
Hair Loss (1,500)
Health and Safety (1,497)
Hearing (1,500)
Law of Attraction (1,499)
Marriage (1,500)
Medicine (1,497)
Meditation (1,499)
Men's Health (1,500)
Mental Health (1,500)
Motivational (1,500)
Nutrition (1,495)
Personal Injury (1,499)
Plastic Surgeries (1,500)
Pregnancy (1,496)
Psychology (1,500)
Public Speaking (1,500)
Quit Smoking (1,500)
Religion (1,499)
Self Help (1,500)
Skin Care (1,500)
Sleep (1,500)
Stress Management (1,500)
Teenagers (1,492)
Time Management (1,500)
Weddings (1,500)
Wellness (1,500)
Women's Health (1,500)
Women's Issues (1,500)
Learning to find that who "you" are is so readily available to your finding and that you can actually do something about awakening to this "you" of you that has you completely free of everything that you are currently suffering – because of the not being of this freedom that is who "you" are.
Coming to see for yourself that nothing is preventing you from actually being who you are if you so wish, that this "you" of you is something within your capacity – on a daily and momentary basis – of finding and stopping at and as. That you can actually begin your journey of realizing the heart of "you" directly and immediately, once you understand that this "you" is not the movement of the familiarity of the movement of who you have always thought to be you, and that you are very capable of being the immediate freedom that "you" are and through this beingness learning all about the notyou-ness that you would otherwise get caught up in identifying yourself to be.
One of the biggest questions asked again and again is 'how does one live this within the rounds of daily living?'
Once you begin to see that this is not a mental exercise of knowing some words, or having some profoundly tricky and deep insights, and that this "you" of you is actually an energetic movement or flow that is always flowing through your eyes. That it is always with you wherever you may go and that you may find this "you" whenever you so choose to do so.
Then you will come to see that you can be "you" on a momentary basis, no matter the arising – anytime, anyplace and anywhere.
The most difficult stage of this part of prising yourself loose from the grips of being lost to this "you" of you that is always with you, is the beginning stages of when you begin to get a move to actually do something about no longer being imprisoned, the arena where you are learning to see that you are not who you thought you were.
If you really wish to make headway through and out of your familiar place of imprisonment then spending a month or two with one who is already deeply involved in this journey of heart and self discovery would be your greatest advantage.
Once you begin to be who "you" are – which cannot be according to who you think you are – then you are finished no matter what is going on. You are home no matter the continued motion of notyou-ness that will continue to arise.
Discernment will be a natural part of you 'not buying the water' of others who are obviously not living the clarity and fullness of who they are.
You will be standing freely as this "you" of you that you are, flowing freely with everything as it is danced from within this same one that is this "you".
You will also – without any contradiction whatsoever – continue to learn of more of the notyou-ness that you find yourself flowing through, awakening to an ever greater flowering of the inner-ness of this divine one that is "you".