Systemic Candidiasis is an infection caused by an overabundance of a natural yeast calledCandida albicans. Normally held in check by the good bacteria in our bodies, under certain conditions theCandid albicans'overgrows' into a fungal state which causes the Candidiasis infection. Systemic Candidiasis usually starts in the intestinal tract and then spreads to other organs via the bloodstream.
'Systemic' means "...affecting the entire body, or, an entire organism." So systemic Candidiasis can describe a deep rooted infection in the intestinal tract, bloodstream, kidneys, liver, heart, esophagus, vagina, penis, mouth, eyes, or skin.
What CausesCandida Albicansto Overgrow?
There are many reasons why the bodies beneficial bacteria may not be able to control theCandida albicans, but one important one is the increasing use of antibiotics. They not only kill off the bad bacteria, they can also kill the good bacteria which normally controlsCandida albicans.
Other triggers are things like lowered immune system, steroid overuse, underlying medical conditions, recreational drugs, diabetes, hormonal contraceptives, stress, obesity, poor hygeine practices, deficient or poor diet, and more.
Symptoms of Systemic Candidiasis
Vagina: redness and inflammation, serious itching, unusual white (thick) discharge, painful urination, painful or impossible sex.
Mouth: raised whitish spots on tongue and mucous membranes, thick white coating on tongue, crack / fissures in tongue, bad breath, difficulty swallowing.
Skin: lesions, acne, rashes.
Other symptoms that you may have deep organ systemic Candidiasis are: chronic fatigue, memory loss, irritability, headaches, migraine, depression, mood swings, diarrhea or constipation, stomach cramps, sore / stiff joints, and more.
Mainstream Treatment for Systemic Candidiasis
Depending on the location of the infection, prescribed and over-the-counter medication is usually in the form of topical creams, pessaries, liquid formulations and tablets. Sometimes injections are required for particularly deep rooted Candidiasis, e.g. systemic inner organ infections.
These antifungal medications are drug-based. Some which have to be taken internally or intravenously have some negative side effects. The topical ones shouldn't be a problem unless you are allergic to the drug itself.
Unfortunately, many women (especially) will have recurring attacks. A couple of the things that this has been put down to are (1) the treatment of the symptoms rather than the underlying cause(s) , and, (2) the ability of theCandida allbicansto build up a resistance to the drugs. And these drug-based medications can be quite expensive. So may people are now looking to alternative medicines.
Natural Remedies for Systemic Candidiasis
Increasingly, Candidiasis sufferers are choosing to go the drug-free natural route to cure their systemic infection. As you can see from the (short) list of possible triggers that cause the Candida albicans overgrow, there are a whole bunch of things that need to be addressed, which mainstream drug-based treatment can't. They can only treat the symptoms not the underlying causes. That's why these completely natural treatments, which are more holistic, and much cheaper, are finding favor with women and men around the globe.
If you are interested in finding out more about a natural cure for your systemic Candidiasis , may I respectfully suggest you take a minute to check out and get the facts on a particularly popular, proven natural cure that is extremely fast and permanent.