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There are a lot of articles, books or video-courses you may find to read and watch. Anyway it can help you improve your time-management skills, but you also can do it right now and in the way it fits you. Online Scheduler Netty - new online and absolutely free tool to improve your own time-management or to effective work with the team project. Register and use it for free( ) But also it's not a bad manner to make few advices. Continue reading..

So, planning, as follows from the Pareto principle, it is necessary. But how to implement it? After all, it takes time. In addition, research psychologists have shown that the tendency to some extent to plan your time determined by the type of personality rights. In particular, according to the typology of personality Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, people are "winning" type prefer timed lifestyle, and people like the "feel" more prone to spontaneous actions.

It seems that every person should choose the most suitable way of planning time. Attempt rights relating to the type of "sensation", to force myself to use the time-manager, ie specially designed diaries, usually ends in failure, and the implications of this skepticism is not limited to this particular method of planning, and planning time at all. Perhaps that is why Koch and described the concept of time-management "insane". Nevertheless, we can formulate some fairly universal principles of time management, leadership that helps to "tune" the system of planning under the individual personality traits.

• Remember that planning time should lead to a gain time, in other words: find the optimal amount of planning, because excessive pedantry in itself takes a long time.

• Those who regularly within 10 minutes preparing a plan of his working day, every day can save up to two hours of working time.

• Do not plan all of their working time. Practice shows that it is appropriate to plan about 60% of the time, 20% left on the spontaneous actions (eg, creativity) and 20% reserve for unforeseen actions.

• Do not forget that the work usually takes as much time as it committed. Therefore seeks to establish specific deadlines any task.

• The most important element of planning is to identify priorities.

• The design must accurately determine what you should do, and what you can instruct others.

The last recommendation can be made using the principle proposed by U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, who considered all matters on the basis of two criteria: importance and urgency. As a result, he had the case in simple cells.

Tasks of type A, as urgent and important need to be addressed immediately. Tasks of type B as important, but not too urgent, need attention and set the date of execution, without which they are at some point at risk of becoming problem of category A, and you'll be ready for this. Tasks such as the appropriateness of subordinates or contract out to specialists, because these things must be done urgently, but they are not too important. Lastly, with regard to problems of type T must have the courage to say to himself: "These problems are not worth my effort and time. About them just need to forget."

Trap, which gets most people is that they were mainly cases of category D and E, and can not cope with cases of type A and B. Why? Often, simply because the case of type D and B to make easier, and their results are immediately obvious. How to get rid of this habit?

Habit peddle is quite clearly a psychological explanation. We all live and work, focusing as it were, two perspectives - near and far. Only a few people, which have a heightened sense of purpose, subject only to the long term (which is why many write articles, but only a few dare to write books). To demonstrate the effectiveness of their own, most need to "fast" a particular result. Understanding of such orientation is an important element of identity cards. However, as noted above, change the orientation of the individual is very difficult, or, even impossible. However, no one bothers to use the knowledge of their psychological characteristics. We remind that in this case, you simply need to properly plan the sequence of works during the day: start with relatively important, but fairly simple task. In this case, the likelihood that you will cope with it, great, and it will create a good mental attitude - for a day or something had not gone in vain. In this state you can tackle the really difficult task, even if that day to cope with it fails, it will not cause frustration.

Another practical method "compression" of time - an inventory of small (requiring 10-15 minutes) cases. Indeed, almost never manage to plan it so important and urgent matters to the working schedule was completely dense. In addition, switching from one case to another important need some time. Performing minor cases makes effective use of emerging in the pauses, and adds satisfaction - things are going!

Rules planning workday

Terms beginning of the day

• Start the day with a positive mood

• Good breakfast and without haste - to work

• Begin work on opportunities in one and the same time

• Plan reverification of the day

• Agree on a plan of the day with the Secretary

• Deciding on a simple task, create a good mood

• In the morning enjoy a significant and complex challenges

Rules concerning the course of the day

• Commits deadlines

• Avoid actions that cause a backlash

• Reject addition there is an urgent problem

• Avoid unplanned impulsive actions

• Timely pause and observe the measured pace of work

• Perform small homogeneous case series

• Use the pause between the serious cases

• Emphasize "for himself" at least one hour of working time

• Control the time and plans

Rules of the completion of the working day

• Shut started

• Monitoring results and self -

• develop a plan for the next day

• Go home with a good mood: for this, identify important positive developments of the day

Planning time will not be effective if you do not take into account the characteristics of your individual timetable disability. Everyone knows the division of people on "The Lark" and "owls." In "The Lark" peak activity in the morning, the "joint" - in the evening. In addition, during the day happen very significant variations of efficiency. Often the schedule efficiency and ways to restore it formed in youth, and adhering to help cope with increasing stress in adulthood.

An example from personal life one russians guy  S.R.Filonovich

In my youth I was fortunate to study in one of the best physical and mathematical school of Moscow. The selection of this school was very strict, but also the load on the students was very large. The requirements for the humanities were not less high than in mathematics, physics or chemistry. It so happened that before the transition to this school, I almost started to play badminton professionally and at the time of transition had been the first class, and later became a candidate for the master and a member of the junior team in Moscow. The training came six days a week. Now even surprised himself: how to cope with all these problems?

There was one circumstance which seemed to only complicate my life: home, school and sports hall located at a considerable distance from each other. Much time had to spend to move from place to place. But there is no blessing in disguise! I learned to sleep literally 15-20 minutes during the bus ride and arrived home feeling completely fresh. This habit remained with me to this day - 10-15 minutes with your eyes closed - and I'm ready for a new type of activity.

Therefore it is useful from time to time to ask yourself the following questions:

• Why do we do? (Delete!)

• Why me? (Charge!)

• Why now? (Set a realistic time frame!)

• Why so? (Rationalize!)

Planning workday

Applying the above principles, try to make the perfect plan working day. Even if it is unlikely that you will be able to fully implement such a plan, it can serve as a guide or a source for reflection on the organization of working time.

When planning, try to integrate into the plan an "ideal day" personal affairs and goals for family, sports, recreation, hobbies, etc.

So, planning, as follows from the Pareto principle, it is necessary. But how to implement it? After all, it takes time. In addition, research psychologists have shown that the tendency to some extent to plan your time determined by the type of personality rights. In particular, according to the typology of personality Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (see Section 3.4), people are "winning" type prefer timed lifestyle, and people like the "feel" more prone to spontaneous actions.

It seems that every person should choose the most suitable way of planning time. Attempt rights relating to the type of "sensation", to force myself to use the time-manager, ie specially designed diaries, usually ends in failure, and the implications of this skepticism is not limited to this particular method of planning, and planning time at all. Perhaps that is why Koch and described the concept of time-management "insane". Nevertheless, we can formulate some fairly universal principles of time management, leadership that helps to "tune" the system of planning under the individual personality traits.

• Remember that planning time should lead to a gain time, in other words: find the optimal amount of planning, because excessive pedantry in itself takes a long time.

• Those who regularly within 10 minutes preparing a plan of his working day, every day can save up to two hours of working time.

• Do not plan all of their working time. Practice shows that it is appropriate to plan about 60% of the time, 20% left on the spontaneous actions (eg, creativity) and 20% reserve for unforeseen actions.

• Do not forget that the work usually takes as much time as it committed. Therefore seeks to establish specific deadlines any task.

• The most important element of planning is to identify priorities.

• The design must accurately determine what you should do, and what you can instruct others.

The last recommendation can be made using the principle proposed by U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower, who considered all matters on the basis of two criteria: importance and urgency. As a result, he had the case in simple cells of the matrix shown in Fig. 8.1.

Tasks of type A, as urgent and important need to be addressed immediately. Tasks of type B as important, but not too urgent, need attention and set the date of execution, without which they are at some point at risk of becoming problem of category A, and you'll be ready for this. Tasks such as the appropriateness of subordinates or contract out to specialists, because these things must be done urgently, but they are not too important. Lastly, with regard to problems of type T must have the courage to say to himself: "These problems are not worth my effort and time. About them just need to forget."

Trap, which gets most people is that they were mainly cases of category D and E, and can not cope with cases of type A and B. Why? Often, simply because the case of type D and B to make easier, and their results are immediately obvious. How to get rid of this habit?

Habit peddle is quite clearly a psychological explanation. We all live and work, focusing as it were, two perspectives - near and far. Only a few people, which have a heightened sense of purpose, subject only to the long term (which is why many write articles, but only a few dare to write books). To demonstrate the effectiveness of their own, most need to "fast" a particular result. Understanding of such orientation is an important element of identity cards *. However, as noted above, change the orientation of the individual is very difficult, if not impossible. However, no one bothers to use the knowledge of their psychological characteristics. We remind that in this case, you simply need to properly plan the sequence of works during the day: start with relatively important, but fairly simple task. In this case, the likelihood that you will cope with it, great, and it will create a good mental attitude - for a day or something had not gone in vain. In this state you can tackle the really difficult task, even if that day to cope with it fails, it will not cause frustration (see Section 6.4).

Another practical method "compression" of time - an inventory of small (requiring 10-15 minutes) cases. Indeed, almost never manage to plan it so important and urgent matters to the working schedule was completely dense. In addition, switching from one case to another important need some time. Performing minor cases makes effective use of emerging in the pauses, and adds satisfaction - things are going!

Rules planning workday

Terms beginning of the day

• Start the day with a positive mood

• Good breakfast and without haste - to work

• Begin work on opportunities in one and the same time

• Plan reverification of the day

• Agree on a plan of the day with the Secretary

• Deciding on a simple task, create a good mood

• In the morning enjoy a significant and complex challenges

Rules concerning the course of the day

• Commits deadlines

• Avoid actions that cause a backlash

• Reject addition there is an urgent problem

• Avoid unplanned impulsive actions

• Timely pause and observe the measured pace of work

• Perform small homogeneous case series

• Use the pause between the serious cases

• Emphasize "for himself" at least one hour of working time

• Control the time and plans

Rules of the completion of the working day

• Shut started

• Monitoring results and self -

• develop a plan for the next day

• Go home with a good mood: for this, identify important positive developments of the day

Planning time will not be effective if you do not take into account the characteristics of your individual timetable disability. Everyone knows the division of people on "The Lark" and "owls." In "The Lark" peak activity in the morning, the "joint" - in the evening. In addition, during the day happen very significant variations of efficiency. Often the schedule efficiency and ways to restore it formed in youth, and adhering to help cope with increasing stress in adulthood.

An example from personal experience the author

In my youth I was fortunate to study in one of the best physical and mathematical school of Moscow. The selection of this school was very strict, but also the load on the students was very large. The requirements for the humanities were not less high than in mathematics, physics or chemistry. It so happened that before the transition to this school, I almost started to play badminton professionally and at the time of transition had been the first class, and later became a candidate for the master and a member of the junior team in Moscow. The training came six days a week. Now even surprised himself: how to cope with all these problems?

There was one circumstance which seemed to only complicate my life: home, school and sports hall located at a considerable distance from each other. Much time had to spend to move from place to place. But there is no blessing in disguise! I learned to sleep literally 15-20 minutes during the bus ride and arrived home feeling completely fresh. This habit remained with me to this day - 10-15 minutes with your eyes closed - and I'm ready for a new type of activity.

A very important skill that promotes not only the proper planning of time, but the plans - a skill samorazgruzki. Perhaps the feeling of indispensability and flatters vanity, but in the long term overload, generated by this feeling, can not affect the efficiency. Therefore it is useful from time to time to ask yourself the following questions:

• Why do we do? (Delete!)

• Why me? (Charge!)

• Why now? (Set a realistic time frame!)

• Why so? (Rationalize!)

Exercise 33. Planning workday

Applying the above principles, try to make the perfect plan working day. Even if it is unlikely that you will be able to fully implement such a plan, it can serve as a guide or a source for reflection on the organization of working time.

When planning, try to integrate into the plan an "ideal day" personal affairs and goals for family, sports, recreation, hobbies, etc.

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