Increasing your sexual performance and penis size is possible with natural male enhancement. No pills or devices are need to get great results. You're probably not sure what you can do to increase your size. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some tips on natural male enhancement.
That way, you will be able to have a bigger and thicker penis without having to take pills.
The tips on natural enhancement are:
1. The first thing you can do to enhance your sexual performance and penis size is to use kegel exercises. This technique will help you have harder erections and will help you last longer while having sex. To do this exercise, you will need to know what muscle to use.
You will need to do the PC flex. This is the muscle that you use to stop peeing. To find out which muscle it is, the next time your are urinating, stop the flow of it. The flex that you feel is what you will need to do this male enhancement exercise.
You should flex this muscle 20-30 times a day. Try to work your way up to 300 times a day. You don't have to do all 300 at the same time, though.
2. Another natural male enhancement tip that you can use without pills is the length extender. To do this exercise, grab the head of your penis while it is flaccid. Stretch it out in front of you. Make sure it's a good stretch. Don't stretch it too far, though.
Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. You should do this ten times. After you're done stretching it out, massage your penis. You want to get blood flowing throughout it.
3. The next natural male enhancement exercise you can do without having to take pills is the jelqing method. To do this exercise, massage your penis until it's about 40%-50% erected. After doing that, with one of your hands, make the 'ok' sign with your index finger and thumb.
Grip the base of your penis with the 'ok' sign. Slowly move upwards to the upper part of your penis. Make sure you keep your hand on the same skin area. After you have reached the area under your penis head, release the grip. That's one repetition. You need to do 20-30 reps. Work your way to 50 after a few weeks of doing the 20-30 repetitions.
These are some tips on natural male enhancement. No pill or devices are need to do the exercises above. And to be honest, the techniques and methods mentioned above will work better. It'll help you increase your penis length, girth, and help you last longer in bed.