Believe or not, there is a market for betting bots , who constantly filling up with different applications catered for users of Betfair trading. While the variety of their functions is increasing with every other piece of software, comes up on a market, still the forum, which shelter Betfair traders all over the world, /BDP developers/ is overflow from trader's requests for a bespoke tool. Most of the experienced traders are generous and place here their own strategy. The techniques implemented in ready solutions are not their kind of take a profit. They not always satisfy them.
So, as you see, the only way to get your special requirements is to apply some specially designed software for you.
Well, sometimes you may change your mind at every time. For example, if the recent strategy not satisfy you, because it doesn't work at 100%. Honestly, I don't remember to meet that think that was 100% success, actually. In that case, you may wish to use somebody else's betting system, or if you prefer, to invent a new one. And logically it appears one important question: Do I need to order another part of that software? Do I need it for my new system? Can I use the same applications for setting up without any kind of problems, for different trading strategies?
Well, now we arrive to the culmination of the article. Yes, there is no problem to use trigger betting for creating multiple conditions of trading actions. The commands that you can use for this purpose, are easy, English-like words, which play role of the commands, and they are in the trigger table of MarketFeeder Pro. With help of those commands, you can define up to 1000 simultaneous conditions. In those conditions the bet should be placed or canceled as well, or in the other point of view, you can be informed for a special situation in the market.
You can use the same software every day, except if you will pay big amounts of money to Windows applications developers. That's way you will feel more comfortable and positive, because you are the person in charge, who control all the process. Not the developers. The best of whole process is that you won't need any special knowledge of the programming languages, and besides you will able to construct very sophisticated triggers. Technical knowledges are required after all, but only the basis for work with Excel spreadsheets.
Well if you have deeper knowledges in Excel VBA /Visual Basic for applications/ that will be the great benefit for you and your opportunity to customize the application even more - you can add your own designed buttons, assign commands to them and make software of your betting application, even more complex.
We know that with the practice to work with triggers, you will become a master trigger only in several days after you start to use MarkerFeeder Pro. The only thing that you should do for now, is to dare to begin.