Is it possible to use the Law of Attraction for an even greater good than just our own basic wants and needs? The more people become convinced of the power that they wield when they succeed in using this law, the more these questions dominate their thinking.
While I can appreciate what seems to be an altruistic motive behind the thought, I would like to set the record straight on this, according to what I have learned over the years about the Law of Attraction.
First of all, each and every one of us has the same access to it, - it responds to the thoughts we choose to think, to the mental images we hold in our minds. The Law of Attraction does not increase exponentially in accordance with the size of a group, even if its members are all like-minded. No one thinks exactly the same, and that is part of the problem.
What is your idea of good?
What if your idea of good differs from mine?
I sincerely believe that first and foremost, we are meant to learn how to use the Law of Attraction to improve our own lives. This is not selfish; this is logical. If everyone on earth knew how to use the Law of Attraction to better their own lives, lack and scarcity would disappear. No one would need to live in fear of want, nor could fear ever again be used to control anyone.
Once we develop a certain skill level in our own lives, we are then prepared to help our friends and our loved ones. The reason we have to learn to use it on ourselves first is because we have to learn to let go of the desire to control 'how' the things we desire will be manifested in our lives.
Once we let go of this, we will also be free of the need to control, not our friends and loved ones, but the things they say they want. You see, at a certain point, beyond the basics of food, fuel, and shelter, it is possible that a loved one will express a desire for something that you may feel would not be good for them...and at that point, you will have to ask yourself how much control you have the right to exert over the life of another.
Now, I do not believe we can so easily control others, but I have seen many instances where people, having developed a certain skill in the successful use of the Law of Attraction, have tried this type of control because they thought they knew best. The results have often been disastrous.
For this reason, I tend to shy away from anything more than a general affirmation, which I am happy to share with you. "I radiate peace, prosperity, and goodwill to every man, woman, and child; and may each and everyone of them learn of the infinite power with which they were born."