Ever since the release of the movie, "The Secret", in 2006, the knowledge of the existence of the Law of Attraction has generated excitement in those of us who want to know how to transform our lives and manifest our desires.
The Law of Attraction is the connection between our thoughts and the Universe, and once you know about it and the underlying Laws that support it, you can use the Law of Attraction to bring anything you wantintoyour life, and to eliminate anything you don't wantfromyour life.
The basics are as follows:
According to the Law of Attraction, what you think about, you bring about.
Therefore, in order to make changes in your life, all you have to do is change the thoughts you habitually think on a day-to-day basis.
That's the good news.
The bad news is that we think around 60,000 thoughts each and every day...and due to our conditioning, most of those thoughts are negative.
The recent conclusions of several studies in psychology have shown that, while a balanced personality would be considered to have at least 1 positive thought for every negative thought, most of us have 4 negative thoughts for every 1 positive thought.
So, if you are really serious about making changes in your life, how can you change the game when it seems the cards have been so thoroughly stacked against you?
Start like this:
- Accept the fact that Law of Attraction exists...it's a Law, not a hypothesis. It is as real as the Law of Physics.
- Decide what you want to change about your life. Get a sheet of paper and draw 4 columns onto it. Title the columns as follows, "Keep", "Improve", "Eliminate", and, "Manifest". Beside the "Eliminate" column, write, into the "Manifest" column what you want to have in place of the undesirable situation.
- Don't worry about the "Keep" column. For the "Improve" column, write on separate 3x5 cards how you would like those things to be improved. Write them in the present, as though it's already a fact.
- For the "Manifest" column, write a 3.5 card for each one, once again, always in the present as though it's already a fact.
- Make 3x5 cards for any additional things you want to manifest, that may not already be covered.
This should give you an overall view of how you want your life to be.
Now, you are going to use the Law of Attraction to create this new life for yourself.
Starting with the three things that are most important to you, make a schedule to repeat the affirmation oneachcard for about five minutes, out loud, three times a day. The first, when you wake up in the morning; and the last, just before you go to sleep. Do the middle one at your convenience.
At first, these affirmations may seem hollow and empty, but as you continue with this exercise, you will notice after between three to ten days that there is a shift in your perception of these words.
It is at this point that the Law of Attraction will have stopped working toward bringing you the results of your old way of thinking, and will begin to align your new way of thinking with the Universe, so that they will manifest in your life.