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Well, there is analternative treatment for cancer. That treatment is based on the concept of making the bodily fluids alkaline. The only exceptions to this are the stomach fluids and the urine, both which need to be acidic to perform their jobs properly. By alkaline, I mean that the rest of the fluids in the body should have a ph above seven. You probably remember the ph paper that you used in high school chemistry. That's the ph that I'm talking about.

As you may remember from high school chemistry, a ph of seven is considered to be neutral. A ph below seven is an acid. Anything above seven is considered an alkaline liquid. That's what you're shooting for.

Why analternate treatment for cancer? You have probably read about all the people being saved by conventional therapies. This information you have to take with a grain of salt though because the incidence of cancer is steadily rising, in fact the way things are going, in a few years everyone in our country will get cancer!

Another reason that analternative treatment for canceris necessary is that several people claim to have already found the cure for cancer, but they are fighting an uphill battle against big pharma who's only interested in developing patentable drugs that can make them a lot of money, so they do their best to try to discredit anyone who comes up with a possible cure.

The idea of making the body's fluid alkaline to treat cancer is not a new one. Clear back in 1924, Dr. Otto Warburg wrote that cancer cells could not exist in an oxygen environment.

An alkaline fluid has oxygen in it while an acid tends to force oxygen out of itself. So that is why analternative treatment for cancerinvolves raising the ph of the fluids in the body to fight cancer.

It just so happens that people that have cancer have an acid ph. People that are terminal usually have a very acidic ph of 4.5. In analternative treatment for cancer, this acidity should be raised to an alkaline by eating foods that are more alkaline and by taking supplements like calcium. To find foods that are more alkaline, go online and find a good food chart. You might be surprised at what you find out.

Calcium is one of the best supplements you can take if you are trying raise the ph of your bodily fluids. There are literally hundreds of scientific papers that have been published extolling the virtues of calcium on the body. Calcium is also what is known as a "buffer" which means that just a little bit of calcium can neutralize a lot of acid. An ideal situation if you are trying to alkalize the body.

All calcium is good; you will find all kinds of calcium supplements on the vitamin shelf at your store, however, as analternative treatment for cancer, coral calcium is better than other types of calcium supplements and marine grade coral calcium is the best coral variety. It features 100% absorption plus because it is already ionized and it has almost eighty varieties of microbes that help the body with digestion. Coral calcium can be purchased over the counter anywhere that vitamins are sold. I buy mine at my local grocery store.

If you would like to read more about thisalternative treatment for cancer, please read my article at Ezine article: /?An-Alternative-Treatment-For-Cancer-That-You-Probably-Never-Heard-of&id=2714789" target="_self" An Alternate Treatment For Cancer That You Probably Haven't Heard Of

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