Have you watched the movie, "Happy Feet" not too long ago? You see a lively penguin tapping his feet happily away. That's what I'd call one real happy penguin, oblivious to his surroundings, caught up in his own world, happily tapping and dancing away!
It reminds me of the teachings my spiritual teacher or guru gave me over the years. Everything we get to do in our present life has a bearing on what we went through in our past life; vice versa, what we did in our past life or past lives, will have a bearing on our present life or lives.
If this is karma then so be it. But being an English-educated Catholic, I have come to learn a lot from my encounter with my spiritual guru. There are so many similarities in what all religions preach and practice, in the end, it come down to we over-selves, we become what we want to be.
This is what my spiritual has to say to me.
The human life must remain simple. Be happy and stay happy. Look life in a positive way; one's aura will then be good. When good things come, naturally, bad things follow. But it is only temporary; goodness will overcome badness. If we feel bad, bad things will keep following us, bad for one's aura.
What do we expect the year 2009 to be? I read about how really bad the scenario is going to be, for most economies. In my mind, I am now thinking, so what? The bleak global outlook that is about to spill onto all of us, is simply the irresponsible workings of the human being. We 'ultimately pays for our mistakes' whether in our working or personal life.
But one thing for sure, we should not just stop there and 'rot'. The economic outlook is bleak but behind every crisis lies a window of possible opportunities.
The power of technology paves the way for just about anyone to take charge of his life to better himself. No room for sympathy, no room for pity. Out there, it is every man for himself.
The power of the Internet gives us the opportunity to be on a level playing field to go global. With the technological advantages available, I speak for myself; I can live my passion to go global, do things global. Now, the world is virtually border-less, every part of the world is technologically within reach.
We can take action now to better ourselves and ride through this period of economic crisis. There are countries whose immediate focal of attention is on economic recovery, whilst some nations are simply too caught up with internal politics, so much so that these latter nations lose their priority of doing what is important in order to get out of their economic and political mess! Where I live in my part of the world is no exception.
Nevertheless, it is within my control to take action to ride through this economic crisis, with the power of the Internet. I am doing just that!