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The breakup of your relationship could send you into a tailspin and fit of panic. You may turn to your family and friends for advice and they will be glad to give it. The problem will be that the advice they give will be all one sided. They are on your side and your ex boyfriend is the villain. So, they will tell you to forget him and find someone else. But, you do not want to let him go , you want the love of your life back. This will cause you to ignore their advice and go chasing your ex telling him you cannot live without him. This type of action will only make your ex pull farther away from you and refuse to talk to you. So, when is the best time to contact your ex boyfriend after a breakup? Here are some crucial tips to get him back.
First of all you should not contact your ex boyfriend for a few weeks after the breakup. You have to give him time to get over his anger and begin to miss you. This will also give you time to get your emotions in check and think more clearly. In fact the advice given by your family and friends was pretty good. You do have to let him go. Not forever, but just for a little while. Dropping out of sight and having no contact with your ex for the next few weeks will be crucial to getting him back .
When he broke up with you, he expected you to try everything you could to get him back. He was expecting late night calls and emails and text messages containing love poems and heartfelt pleas from you. By doing just the opposite of what he expects you will increase your chance of getting back the man you love. By not hearing from you for a few weeks he will wonder why you are not trying to get him back. He will become the one that is worried now and that is what you wanted to happen.
When a few weeks have passed without any contact with your ex boyfriend, it would be alright to give him a call. Treat him like and old friend that you are just checking up on. Ask him how he is doing, and tell him you are doing just fine. Do not mention the breakup or ask him out for a coffee and a talk. Keep the conversation short and cheerful and make sure you are the one to end it. Tell him someone is picking you up and you hear them at the door. That will make him curious as to what you are doing and who is picking you up. It will also make him feel that you are slipping away from him and you will be hearing from him very soon. When a man feels you are becoming out of his reach, he will have the desire to get you back . That is the way men are.