No matter your age, no matter your current health condition, assoon as you quit smoking you will immediately begin toexperience a number of very important changes. Some are visiblefrom the outside, while others happen unseen by the human eye,but all are significant reasons to quit smoking now.
Reason 1: You'll live longer
Taking all other causes into account, smokers are twice aslikely than non-smokers to die within 15 years. When you give upcigarettes, you increase your chances of a longer and healthierlife.
Reason 2: You'll reduce your risk of heart attack
Smokers are at a much higher risk of having a heart attack thanpeople who don't smoke. When you quit, this risk dropsdramatically—and immediately. In fact, within 24 hours ofquitting the habit, your risk is halved.
Why? Well, nicotine (a primary component of cigarettes, as youknow) has a devastating effect on the body's blood stream. Itcontributes to blood clots, which in turn can trigger heartattack. Therefore, when you get nicotine out of your body'ssystem, you decrease the likelihood of blood clot formation.
Reason 3: Your Lungs Will Thank You
Smokers are much more prone to decreased lung function thannon-smokers, and years of smoking wreak permanent damage onthese delicate organs. Unfortunately, there's not much you cando to undo that damage. But by giving up your cigarettes youwill prevent further damage from occurring. Moreover, if youstay away from cigarettes for 15 or more years, your risk ofdeveloping lung cancer goes down by as much as 90%.
Reason 4: You'll Breath Easier
You know that hacking cough you've become accustomed to? It'scalled smoker's cough, and it got that name for a reason. Thisproblem commonly plagues people who are active smokers—butquitters experience a rapid reduction in this annoying sideeffect of cigarette addiction. In fact, within a few monthsyou'll probably have no cough at all!
Reason 5: Keep the People Around You Healthy, Too
We all know that second-hand smoke is as devastating for othersas cigarettes are to those who smoke them. So all the dangers ofsmoking—heart disease, lung cancer, stroke—are there fornonsmokers too if they happen to be near you when you light up.Quitting the habit means that your loved ones, coworkers, andfriends will also feel happier and healthier.
Still undecided about quitting?
Maybe this will help,
Smokers are twice as likely to die from heart attacks asnon-smokers
Smoking also causes premature wrinkling on the skin, bad breathand smelly clothes.
Women on "the pill" have a higher risk for heart attacks,strokes and blood clots in their legs. They also increase thepossibility of a miscarriage.
Based on data collected from 1995 to 1999, the US Center forDisease Control (CDC) recently estimated that adult male smokerslost an average of13.2 yearsof life and female smokerslost14.5 yearsof life because of smoking
If you quit smoking you will obviously save yourself from thehazards of smoking, gain better control over your life, regainyour self-esteem and feel a whole lot better about yourself. Youwill also be setting a good example to others, especiallychildren, because if you smoke there is a very good chance thatthey too will become a smoker.
But the most important point that you should put down is thatyou should try and quit in order to make it healthier and saferfor those who live around you especially your friends andfamily. Hey come on, you really owe it to them and yourself.