Acne (1,500)
Addictions (1,500)
Advice (1,500)
Allergies (1,092)
Alternative Medicine (1,500)
Anti Aging (1,500)
Breakup (1,500)
Cancer (1,499)
Dental Care (1,500)
Disabilities (1,500)
Divorce (1,500)
Elderly Care (1,498)
Goal Setting (1,500)
Hair Loss (1,500)
Health and Safety (1,497)
Hearing (1,500)
Law of Attraction (1,499)
Marriage (1,500)
Medicine (1,497)
Meditation (1,499)
Men's Health (1,500)
Mental Health (1,500)
Motivational (1,500)
Nutrition (1,495)
Personal Injury (1,499)
Plastic Surgeries (1,500)
Pregnancy (1,496)
Psychology (1,500)
Public Speaking (1,500)
Quit Smoking (1,500)
Religion (1,499)
Self Help (1,500)
Skin Care (1,500)
Sleep (1,500)
Stress Management (1,500)
Teenagers (1,492)
Time Management (1,500)
Weddings (1,500)
Wellness (1,500)
Women's Health (1,500)
Women's Issues (1,500)
"Before you change your thinking, you have to change what goes into your mind."- Zig Ziglar Recently we talked about the fact that wealth was created from the ideas of your mind. Well, if the mind is the stating point for wealth, then it only makes sense to make sure that you have a mind that is flowing full of the right energy to create wealth, right? We live in a time where one of THE most popular things to do is detox and cleanse the body. I know that definitely...
"I can't believe that God put us on this earth to be ordinary." - Lou Holtz Have you always felt that you were destined for greatness? Well guess what? You're not alone. Practically EVERYBODY feels that at some level they are a special person meant for some special purpose...and everyone is right! The thing is, less than 1% of people will ever get off their butt to actually LIVE INTO the greatness of the unique purpose that they have to fulfil here on earth.
Emotional and influential events in Muhammad Life-1 The war of Uhud was the second battle between Muslims and the unbelievers. The unbelievers were fourfold the number of Muslims. The unbelievers of Mecca attacked the Muslims in Al-Madina. There are some 400 Kilometers between Mecca and Al-Madina. Uhud is a mountain few Kilometers far from Al-Madina. In this war, the unbelievers had surrounded the Prophet Muhammad aiming to kill Him, they hit Him...
The most challenging phase of labor is named transition. It is the moment when life force utterly takes charge with the woman gifting the world with a new life, when the emerging being moves from within the womb, down into the birth canal. The pain is at its most intense, and the mother is in the grip of a force than cannot be controlled. She has no choice but to hand over herself to God, and to her helpers, and birth this new happening into the world.
Without choosing, we...
When you fell that motivation to lose weight, prepare yourself for a hard and long lasting mission, affecting your entire style – from eating, sleeping, exercising and, finally, dressing up in those same clothes you cannot even look at. Forget easy. There would not be overweight people in the world is that was a bit true of a statement. It is the will and dedication in all of us, which leads us to a final goal. Losing weight is nothing more than another goal. Do...
It's Saturday morning. If you're a M-F worker then this is your weekend. If you're a weekend worker then you have the evenings. You may even have your "weekend" on a Tues-Wed. What I am asking for today is... What do you do on your weekend? Are you a camper? Do you play sports? Is it a family outing? Sleep the day away? Housework/yardwork? There is an endless supply of options for your days off. What I want to know is what do you choose to...
"The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore."- Dale Carnegie Isn't it ironic that so often in this life the very people who trade their freedom for security in the end discover that they never had any true security at all? Think about the 6 and 7-figure stock holders and employees of ENRON years ago. Some of those people had worked their entire lives building that wealth just to...
"Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure."- Earl Nightingale The power of perspective is one of the most important things to understand in feeding and supporting your Multi-Million Dollar Mindset. And one of the most critical distinctions for you to understand about perspective is that in order to truly build the wealth and success that you want, you will need to allow many of the prevailing and commonly accepted perspectives of society to roll off your...
"It is easy to get to the top after you get through the crowd at the bottom."- Zig Ziglar One of the recurring themes that I talk about in developing a Multi-Million Dollar Mindset is that of being willing to be a bit of a "rebel" and move opposite of the status quo. What world-famous motivator Zig Ziglar is speaking of when he talks about how "easy" it is to "get to the top after you get through the crowd at the bottom" is nothing more...
Prosperity paradox is about a delusion that is brought on by false information about prosperity. This false information has sunk deep into the majority of a population that very few become wealthy. And this mentality of feeling of inadequacy and ultimately fail at becoming prosperous is caused by prosperity paradox. This mentality holds you back at your job, never allowing you to push for that promotion, or ask for that raise. They hold you back from your dreams, and tell you you'll...