Acne (1,500)
Addictions (1,500)
Advice (1,500)
Allergies (1,092)
Alternative Medicine (1,500)
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Hearing (1,500)
Law of Attraction (1,499)
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Meditation (1,499)
Men's Health (1,500)
Mental Health (1,500)
Motivational (1,500)
Nutrition (1,495)
Personal Injury (1,499)
Plastic Surgeries (1,500)
Pregnancy (1,496)
Psychology (1,500)
Public Speaking (1,500)
Quit Smoking (1,500)
Religion (1,499)
Self Help (1,500)
Skin Care (1,500)
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Stress Management (1,500)
Teenagers (1,492)
Time Management (1,500)
Weddings (1,500)
Wellness (1,500)
Women's Health (1,500)
Women's Issues (1,500)
TRUST YOURSELF. This is still the greatest way to develop your psychic ability and any other talents that you have. You develop anything that interests you by working with it, practicing a lot, and becoming aware of everything that is written, everything that is working, and aware of the people in the field who are making a huge achievement. For your own psychic awareness start to become aware of how your receive messages. What does it feel like? How does it come in? Is there a...
Unfortunately adversity is something which every single one of us has to go through at some point in our lives. It can hold us back, it can damage our motivation and it can basically feel like we are stuck in a terrible situation with no way out.
However there is a way out and there is a way to overcome adversity; you just have to understand the situation and look at it from a different perspective. Think of it as an outside situation for example. When you look at somebody...
He is also a shining example of his own assertion that "Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently."
In 1928, Henry Ford set out to increase his bottom line by exerting more control over his supply chain - now called vertical integration - and began the process of creating his own rubber plantation in Brazil. There is some debate over whether his motive was strictly to achieve better pricing for the raw materials needed to make...
For year’s I suffered low self esteem and confidence in a relationship which started very good but ended up being a nightmare from hell. My ex husband used to abuse me with words that can kill. He even mentioned that one of his friends asked him why he marries someone like me, when their where much better women than me. At one point, I could not even look at myself in the mirror as I felt so insecure in the way I looked. After a while, I could...
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain We have all met someone who came towards the end of their life and regretted not doing the things that they had always wanted and now they were too old to do it. In a sense they had missed the window of opportunity. You might...
Only a few people can really say that they have made their dreams come true. Most only wished or dream about the leading their ideal kind of life. In most cases, the only real obstacle to success is fear. Such people have conversations in their heads that go something like this, “I can’t do that, I wouldn’t dare, I’m not smart enough, I’m afraid.” How often have you said something similar to yourself when you were faced with a challenge?
Despite advances in gender differences, boys are still very much taught that they need to be strong, not show emotions, never be vulnerable, and a host of other behaviors that can make them feel isolated from others.
When boys feel they have no outlets and ways to express themselves, they can lose confidence in themselves and have lower self-esteem. This can have detrimental outcomes, as boys seek ways to feel better about themselves.
This could be getting involved...
I would imagine that even before the ink on the Declaration of Independence had dried, the sentences: "Are we gonna have a flag? We gotta have a flag! Britain has a flag!" were echoed by members of the Continental Congress. But then, a flag is important. It is a symbol representing a group and their beliefs -- a means of identification. It has long been reported that in May of 1776, Betsy Ross sewed the first version of the flag we use today. The American flag has, of...
Are you now hiding your true self? Then, please awaken this giant within, because this life offers you a rank on a platform where the world powerful personalities solidly stand. It is acceptable in this life, that you may not have a view of different subjects or objects, yet you may have at least a view of various subjects or objects differently. This view is a distinguishing factor between powerful personalities who are still remembered, and those who have made a brief presence here on...
The dictionary defines perseverance as 'the steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.' Or as the Beatle's song said, 'just keep on keeping on.' We have so many quotes about perseverance. Probably the best know one is, 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.'
What all of them say is that you can expect to encounter problems when try anything new. Successful people don't let...